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22 July, 2015

21 July, 2015

Justice Committee inquiry to look at impact of employment tribunal fees on access to justice

Issue to be considered as part of new inquiry into courts and tribunals fees and charges designed to reduce costs to the public purse of Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service.

21 July, 2015

DWP publishes results of 2014 survey of employees on health and wellbeing

Findings include that almost a third of employees had a health condition in the 12 months preceding the survey and, of those, a third had not discussed it with their employer.

20 July, 2015

16 July, 2015

Government consults on which public services should be included in new strike ballot threshold

Views sought, by 9 September 2015, on whom within the fire, health, education, transport, border security, and nuclear decommissioning sectors should be subject to requirement that industrial action will need the support of at least 40 per cent of those entitled to vote.

16 July, 2015

Government consults on removing ban on hiring agency staff during strike action

Views sought, by 9 September 2015, on removing regulation 7 of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 so as to allow employers facing industrial action to hire temporary agency workers to perform some of the functions not being carried out due to the industrial action.

15 July, 2015

Trades Union Bill to come before Parliament for the first time today

Bill to include plans to criminalise picketing, to permit employers to hire 'strike-breaking' agency staff, and for strikes to be made unlawful unless backed by 50 per cent of those entitled to vote in any strike ballot.

14 July, 2015

Government consults on requirement for larger employers to publish gender pay information

Views sought on regulations that will impose gender pay requirement on employers with more than 250 employees and on wider action that can be taken to inspire girls and young women, modernise workplaces and support older working women.

14 July, 2015

Large companies to be forced to report on gender pay gaps from next year

Prime Minister announces that every company with more than 250 employees will have to publish the difference between the average pay of their male and female employees.

13 July, 2015

Unite passes motion removing requirement for any strike action to be lawful

Politics Home reports on removal of 'so far as may be lawful' clause from union's rule book in response to government's forthcoming anti-strike legislation.

13 July, 2015

Living Wage will cost councils £1bn by 2020/2021, says Local Government Association

LGA supports introduction of Living Wage but says that its vital that extra cost of wages for council workers and care workers is considered by government in wider debate on council funding.

13 July, 2015

9 July, 2015

Introduction of new full employment and apprenticeships reporting obligations

Clauses 1 and 2 of new Welfare Reform and Work Bill 2015/2016 provide for Secretary of State to have to lay a report before Parliament annually on the progress which has been made towards full employment and, no later than nine months after the end of each reporting period, information about the progress made towards the apprenticeships target.

8 July, 2015

Free childcare entitlement to be doubled to 30 hours per week for parents of 3 and 4 year olds

Government announces that extended provision to free childcare will be introduced generally from September 2017 but with early introduction in some local areas from September 2016, and additionally that Tax-Free Childcare will be introduced from early 2017 (paragraphs 1.163 to 1.164).

8 July, 2015

New National Living Wage of £7.20 per hour to be introduced from April 2016

New rate - which will be paid to workers aged 25 and over - is a rise of 50p over the National Minimum Wage rate due to come into effect in October 2015 and is set to rise to £9 per hour by 2020 (paragraph 1.121).

8 July, 2015

7 July, 2015

Bill limiting application of EU Working Time Directive introduced to House of Commons

Private Member's Bill, which received first reading yesterday, due to have second reading on 22 January 2016.

7 July, 2015

Fees still deterring people from going to employment tribunals, warns TUC

Responding to Acas report on Early Conciliation, union highlights that at least one in four claimants whose cases are not settled by conciliation are being put off from further action by the costs.

7 July, 2015

First year of Early Conciliation is a success, says Acas

New figures show that Acas has dealt with over 83,000 cases between April 2014 and March 2015; three out of four employees and employers agreed to try Early Conciliation in its first year of operation; and eight out of ten people who took part were satisfied with the service they received.