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13 October, 2020 Open access

Three-quarters of Citizens Advice debt clients receiving universal credit or working tax credit £20 uplift will be pushed into a ‘negative budget’ if it’s withdrawn

New report calls for increase to be made permanent and for ‘renewed government focus’ on people who are not able to cover basic living costs as the economic impacts of coronavirus continue to be felt

7 October, 2020

Government announces it will legislate to ensure debt letters are easier to understand and less intimidating

New rules expected to come into force in December 2020, with lenders then being required to make the changes within six months

25 September, 2020 Open access

Expiry of ‘breathing space’ extension for people with problem debt in Scotland extended by six months to 31 March 2021

New statutory instrument amends original 30 September 2020 expiry date for measures introduced under the Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts

24 September, 2020 Open access

Ethnic minorities most at risk of debt caused by coronavirus economic crisis, says IPPR

New analysis finds that black, Asian and other minority ethnic people are twice as likely to face difficulties paying bills in next three months compared to population as a whole

22 September, 2020

People with common mental health conditions receive incomes of £8,400 less on average than people without a mental health problem

Income gap is driven by systemic factors of low employment prospects, low wages and long-term benefit cuts, says Money and Mental Health Policy Institute

22 September, 2020

Government’s debt collection practices are ‘deeply flawed’ and leave more than 90 per cent of debtors struggling to afford essentials

StepChange debt charity calls for a fundamental shift both in culture and practice set within a regulatory framework

18 September, 2020 Open access

FCA issues finalised additional guidance to firms on provision of tailored support to mortgage borrowers affected by coronavirus after 31 October 2020

New guidance includes that firms should respond to the particular needs of vulnerable customers, and that people should be signposted or referred to debt advice where appropriate

16 September, 2020 Open access

3 September, 2020

28 August, 2020 Open access

FCA proposals to protect mortgage holders beyond 31 October 2020 ‘do not go far enough’, says Money Advice Trust

Debt charity calls for regulator to continue specific protections, including payment deferrals in some circumstances, and for government reform of Support for Mortgage Interest scheme

27 August, 2020 Open access

Financial Conduct Authority outlines proposals to ensure that tailored support is provided to mortgage borrowers who continue to face payment difficulties due to coronavirus

New draft guidance seeks to ensure that financial services firms don't take a 'one size fits all’ approach after 31 October 2020 when the current guidance is due to expire

24 August, 2020 Open access

Rushed and premature return to bailiff activity will put people at risk, says StepChange

Given the economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis have hit struggling households hardest, the government should be helping people who have fallen behind, not making it harder for them to repay their debts

21 August, 2020 Open access

Six million people have fallen behind on bills because of coronavirus, with carers, shielders and key workers hardest hit

Citizens Advice calls for urgent financial support to free people from long-term debt and strengthen the economic recovery

14 August, 2020 Open access

Individual bankruptcies and DROs fell by around 30 per cent in July 2020 compared to same month last year

Insolvency Service highlights that reduction is likely to be at least in part due to enhanced support measures introduced by the government in response to the COVID-19

3 August, 2020 Open access

Workers who have been furloughed are three times more likely to have missed bill payments

With just a couple of months until the CJRS comes to an end, there is real concern that the gap between furloghed workers and those working as normal could widen even further, says Which?

31 July, 2020 Open access

Financial Conduct Authority launches ‘call for input’ on further support for mortgage and consumer credit customers beyond October 2020

Views also sought on what should happen to consumers coming to the end of a second payment deferral under its temporary guidance

29 July, 2020

Financial Conduct Authority launches second consultation on guidance framework for the fair treatment of vulnerable people in debt

Regulator also highlights actions it has taken against firms who are failing to account for customers’ vulnerabilities

24 July, 2020 Open access

Urgent action needed to ensure that people with mental health problems can access the debt advice they need in aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic

'Taking small steps to make support more accessible would make a big difference', says Money and Mental Health Policy Institute

23 July, 2020

Ombudsman finds council and its enforcement agents at fault after they seized and sold debtor’s car, that was necessary for her employment, to clear council tax and other debts

Investigation finds a 'catalogue of failings’ that showed the council had insufficient regard for regulations governing how its enforcement agents should collect debts as well as good practice