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7 July, 2010

Over 9,000 new debt problems dealt with by Citizens Advice Bureaux every day

Credit Action releases new debt statistics which also highlight £9.6bn of personal debt has been written off in the last twelve months.

6 July, 2010

Protecting tenants whose homes are at risk of being repossessed by their landlord’s lender

New regulations issued that provide for the coming into force of the Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Act 2010 from October 2010.

6 July, 2010

Government funding for advice for homeowners must be maintained

Advice is a vital lifeline and can save government from the expenses of repossession, such as judicial and re-housing costs, says Shelter.

29 June, 2010

Use of credit and accumulation of debt often exacerbated by moving in and out of work

New Joseph Rowntree Foundation report on credit and debt in low-income families.

28 June, 2010

New FSA rules to provide protection for those with mortgage arrears could go further

Scope also for regulating 'excessive and unclear' administrative charges, says Citizens Advice

28 June, 2010

‘Abolition’ of the Saving Gateway

New regulations following Budget announcement that accounts will not now be introduced in July 2010.

25 June, 2010

FSA sets out new rules to ensure proper protection for those with mortgage arrears

In addition, those entering sale and rent back agreements to be better shielded from firms using aggressive or unfair methods.

24 June, 2010

Making Debt Relief Orders more accessible to those with small amounts of money in a pension

Money Advice Trust publishes response to Insolvency Service consultation.

24 June, 2010

Benefit reforms could trigger a spiral of debt, eviction and homelessness

Shelter responds to announcements in government's emergency budget.

23 June, 2010

Saving Gateway ‘abolished’

Government uses emergency Budget (paragraph 1.116) to announce that planned launch in July 2010 will not now go ahead, on 'affordability' grounds.

23 June, 2010

Family financial healthchecks to be introduced next year

Budget announcement (paragraph 1.114) that initiative to be introduced in spring 2011 as part of the national financial advice service.

18 June, 2010

More than four in ten of those struggling with debt have not sought advice

New research report suggests many do not believe that their problem is big enough to need help.

16 June, 2010

Credit Action publishes new ‘Debt Facts and Figures’

Total UK personal debt stands at £1,460bn, report highlights.

15 June, 2010

Citizens Advice warns people to beware of companies offering fake loans for a fee

Those in debt or with poor credit histories being targeted, reports charity.

10 June, 2010

Using local energy housing databases to target fuel poverty

New guide for local authorities from the Commission for Rural Communities and Durham County Council.

1 June, 2010

Advice charities to benefit from financial penalty imposed on Energy Supplier by Ofgem

EDF Energy pay £200,000 to the Money Advice Trust and a Citizens Advice led scheme following breach of regulations setting standards for handling customer complaints.

21 May, 2010

Money Advice Trust publishes best practice checklists

Really positive step towards ensuring advice and credit sectors work together to benefit people in debt, says charity.

20 May, 2010

Local Government Association responds to ‘Big Society’ programme

A radical devolution of power to local authorities will help make vital services even more responsive to people’s needs, says Chairman.

20 May, 2010

Home Information Packs suspended with immediate effect

Order laid pending primary legislation for permanent abolition.