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Community care

24 February, 2015

70 per cent of nurses across England delay discharging older patients because of lack of home care

New report from Royal Voluntary Service also finds that, despite recent funding injections for some local authorities, around 40 per cent of older patients are medically fit for discharge but remain in hospital because there is no post-hospital support in place.

24 February, 2015

Prime Minister pledges additional support for those caring for a person with dementia

Telegraph reports on Conservative Party proposal that all people looking after dementia patients will be offered the opportunity take time off, education, training as well as professional psychological help.

20 February, 2015

National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2015

New regulations issued in Scotland that provide, from 6 April 2015, for increases in the capital limits and the savings credit disregard used in assessing a person's ability to pay a contribution towards the cost of residential accommodation.

20 February, 2015

National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Scotland) Regulations 2015

New regulations issued in Scotland that, from 6 April 2015, provide for an increase in the 'personal expenses allowance' for those in residential care from £24.55 to £25.05 per week.

19 February, 2015

Care and Support (Market Oversight Criteria) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument sets out provisions in relation to the duty on the Care Quality Commission to determine whether a registered care provider satisfies the criteria for entry into the market oversight regime.

19 February, 2015

Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument specify the 'eligibility criteria' for the purposes of Part 1 of the Care Act 2014 which sets out the duty of local authorities to meet those of an adult’s needs for care and support and those of a carer’s needs for support which meet the eligibility criteria.

19 February, 2015

Care and Support (Children’s Carers) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument makes provision in relation to power for local authorities in England to meet the support needs of the carer of a child in circumstances where the authority has carried out an assessment of the carer’s needs in advance of the child becoming 18.

19 February, 2015

Care and Support (Business Failure) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument makes provision in relation to duties on local authorities in England and Wales, and on Health and Social Care trusts in Northern Ireland, to meet care and support needs of adults, or support needs of carers, in circumstances where registered providers of care are unable to carry on because of 'business failure'.

19 February, 2015

New research on wellbeing of older carers

Report from the International Longevity Centre finds that long term caregiving is associated with declines in quality of life and life satisfaction for carers, and an increased risk of depression, and that giving up caregiving was associated with increased depression amongst both male and female carers.

19 February, 2015

Guidance and quality standard recommendations on health and care of older people in care homes

New briefing from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends that local authorities should ensure older people in care homes retain their independence and identity, set clear policies and plans for older people in care homes, provide equal access to services, ensure residents are safe, and prevent infections among residents.

18 February, 2015

Letter to DoH raises concerns about lack of quality assurance of services not regulated by CQC

Healthwatch, the health and social care consumer watchdog, has written to the Department of Health regarding the lack of quality assurance of adult social care services that are currently non-regulated by the Care Quality Commission or are non-local authority contracted, such as supported living accommodation and daycare centres.

17 February, 2015

Local Government Association calls on government to use Budget 2015 to protect social care funding

Association warns that, without adequate funding, elderly and disabled people could be left without the social care services which help them to remain independent, and stay out of hospital and in their own homes for longer.

13 February, 2015

Pilots announced to explore ways to help carers balance work with their caring responsibilities

Nine pilot areas will explore how technology can be combined with professional support from local authorities and the assistance of informal networks of friends, neighbours and Time Bank volunteers to ease the pressure of caring, and also how businesses can give employees with caring responsibilities more help, for example by promoting flexible working patterns and setting up carers ‘surgeries’.

12 February, 2015

New Care Act 2014 ‘Consequential Amendments and Revocations’ regulations

New regulations made in consequence of provisions in Part 3 of the Care Act 2014 that abolish the Special Health Authorities known as Health Education England and the Health Research Authority, and establish 'bodies corporate' called Health Education England and the Health Research Authority.

6 February, 2015

330,000 extra assessments likely to be required in 2016/2017 as a result of the Care Act

Cap on care costs, introduced by the Act, means a large number of people who currently self-fund their care are expected to request assessments in order to register their progress towards the cost cap, or to be considered for local authority support under the revised means-test.

5 February, 2015

Consultation launched on regulations linked to Care Act 2014

Views sought by 30 March 2015 on draft regulations and guidance needed to introduce the cap on care costs and proposals for a new appeals system.

4 February, 2015

Goal of moving people with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour into community not met

New National Audit Office report finds that government did not meet goal of moving people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour out of hospital by 1 June 2014, because it underestimated the complexity and level of challenge in meeting the commitments in its action plan.

29 January, 2015

Spending on care for people aged 65 and over has been cut by 20 per cent in last decade

New analysis from the BBC - based on official data - shows that, in 2003/2004, £1,188 was being spent per person over the age of 65, but, by 2013/2014, this had dropped to £951.

28 January, 2015

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument extends the duty of candour and fit and proper persons requirement for directors to all registered providers of regulated activities from April 2015 and introduces a new requirement on all registered providers to display any ratings they are awarded by the Care Quality Commission from April 2015.