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Community care

2 November, 2015

Second reading of Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill 2015/2016 adjourned

Following a debate in the House of Commons on Friday, the second reading of the Bill - which provides for people in receipt of carer's allowance to be given free parking at hospitals - has been adjourned with no date given for resumption.

30 October, 2015

Young people leaving care are being ‘cut adrift when they need help the most’

New report from the Public Accounts Committee finds systemic weaknesses in the provision of support for care leavers and outlines a series of urgent recommendations to government.

29 October, 2015

2014/2015 statistics on community care for adults in Northern Ireland

New annual publication includes figures on contacts with HSC Trusts, care packages, meals on wheels services, residential and nursing accommodation and day care registrations.

27 October, 2015

Councils use £25m Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards grant to boost assessor numbers

Department of Health analysis shows local authorities have prioritised recruitment and training in spending one-off grant.

27 October, 2015

Central government should make funds available to care home providers to meet cost of living wage

New research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation finds that the government could use additional funds it will receive from increases in tax and national insurance receipts and reduction to in-work benefits payments.

22 October, 2015

Social care budget cuts are adversely affecting health services

New report from the King's Fund shows that more than 5,000 patients experienced delays in being discharged from hospital at the end of August – the highest level at this time of year since 2007, and that nearly a third of these delays were caused by problems accessing social care services – an increase of 21 per cent in the past year.

21 October, 2015

Health and care system for older people in England is under severe stress, says Age UK

New report suggests a 'destructive vicious circle’ as inadequate access to high quality social care is progressively sapping the resilience both of NHS services and of older people who are at risk of poor health.

21 October, 2015

Few councils in England have outlined how they are fulfilling duties required of then under Care Act

New research from the Carers Trust finds that, despite having a duty to provide services to carers that prevent, reduce or delay them developing a need for support, just 17 (13 per cent) of the 132 local authorities contacted by them stated that they are working to identify carers and, of the 23 councils that mentioned having a prevention strategy in place, few provided details on the support they are providing specifically to help carers.

16 October, 2015

One in ten adult social care services rated inadequate for safety

New report from the Care Quality Commission - State of Care - also finds that, while six out of ten adult social care services provide good or outstanding care, seven per cent of acute, primary medical and adult social care services have been rated as inadequate.

15 October, 2015

Local authorities are failing to fully implement the Care Act 2014

New report published by In Control finds that, despite emphasis on wellbeing, choice and control within the Care Act, a survey found that nearly half of respondents felt their quality of life had reduced and 30 per cent experienced a reduction in choice and control.

14 October, 2015

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2015

New statutory instrument brings into force provisions relating to the establishment of the National Independent Safeguarding Board.

9 October, 2015

Plaid Cymru will abolish social care charges for elderly and those with dementia

Shadow Health Minister Elin Jones said the goal would be achieved through a phased approach - firstly, free non-residential personal care for older people; secondly, nursing and residential care charges for those with dementia will be abolished; and thirdly, all remaining social care charges for the elderly would be abolished during a second term of government.

9 October, 2015

Councils remain accountable for services they contract out, says Local Government Ombudsman

In new report, the Ombudsman highlights that, although councils can contract out services, they remain responsible for the quality of any service those contractors provide, and for addressing any complaints users of services may have, irrespective of whether the provider is a private company, a third sector organisation or another publicly-funded body.

9 October, 2015

Hundreds of home care providers will reduce care they provide or close completely in next year

New survey carried out by the United Kingdom Home Care Association finds that low care fees paid by councils and a lack of funding for the 'national living wage' are two key factors placing a strain on providers.

8 October, 2015

Social care visits in Wales to last for at least 30 minutes

Wales Online reports on change in legislation agreed by Welsh Assembly's Health and Social Care Committee.

6 October, 2015

Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England 2014/2015, Final release

New report from the Health and Social Care Information Centre which measures the performance of the adult social care system as a whole and its success in delivering high-quality, personalised care and support.

6 October, 2015

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England 2014/2015

New report from the Health and Social Care Information Centre that seeks to learn more about how effectively services are helping service users to live safely and independently in their own homes, and the impact that these services have on their quality of life.

1 October, 2015

New framework to help care leavers into better housing

Launched by the charities Barnardo's and St Basil's in a bid to prevent homelessness among care leavers, the framework lists five steps that local authorities should take to put young people in control of their housing.

30 September, 2015

Tenfold increase in number of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards applications during 2014/2015

First annual official statistics report from the Health and Social Care Information Centre since a March 2014 Supreme Court judgment gave new guidance on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards also show that 62,645 applications were completed by councils during the year, almost five times as many as the previous highest volume – 13,040 in 2013/2014.