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Community care

9 November, 2010

Government department business plans published on ‘transparency database’

Plans for next four years, including those for Department for Communities and Local Government and Department of Health.

9 November, 2010

Improvement in adult social care services

Care Quality Commission data shows that services have improved significantly since 2008 but that further growth in market is needed.

5 November, 2010

Local councils given ‘green light’ by courts to cut social care services

Court of Appeal's judgment in McDonald could affect services to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable adults, reports guardian.co.uk.

5 November, 2010

Bringing adult social care workers into the big society

Health Secretary announces that independent 'Social Work Practice' pilots to be extended to adult social care.

5 November, 2010

Care Quality Commission to no longer conduct annual performance assessments of councils

New approach will see a shift towards more sector-led assessment, with councils holding greater responsibility for driving improvement.

3 November, 2010

Keeping the elderly and disabled in their own homes is ‘the only way forward’

Local Government Association discussion paper to encourage debate on the future of adult social care.

1 November, 2010

Cuts to council budgets threaten care for elderly and disabled

Local Government Association has warned MPs of a 'looming crisis' in adult social care, claiming that councils could be forced to restrict services to those with 'critical' needs.

28 October, 2010

Financial management of personal budgets

Audit Commission report examines personal budgets in adult social care and considers financial management and governance implications for councils.

21 October, 2010

Reaction to the Spending Review

Further to yesterday's Spending Review leading organisations respond to announcements made in debt, housing and community care.

21 October, 2010

Council budget cuts may cancel out boost for care

Community Care highlights that whilst government promised £2bn extra for social care, Communities and Local Government will receive £5.6bn less each year and the majority of this would have been passed on to councils.

20 October, 2010

Government axes plan to extend free prescriptions for people with long term conditions

Spending Review announces that some programmes announced by the previous government will not be taken forward 'to ensure spending is focused on priorities'.

20 October, 2010

Grant funding for social care to be increased by an additional £1 billion

Government announces additional funds to be made available by the fourth year of the Spending Review.

18 October, 2010

Funding settlement must facilitate more positive and progressive approaches to social care

Social care reform is at a critical point in its history, says Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

14 October, 2010

Independent Living Fund ‘reprieve’ welcomed by disability sector

Body is one of 40 quangos whose future is still under consideration, reports Community Care.

14 October, 2010

Training and support services for carers given £4m boost

Care services minister reveals details of awareness-raising and capacity-building projects after the closure of the Caring with Confidence programme.

13 October, 2010

Government publishes response to Right to Control consultation

Work and Pensions Minister also announces laying of draft regulations in Parliament.

8 October, 2010

Housing Renewal Grants (Prescribed form and Particulars) (Revovation) (England) Regulations 2010

New regulations which remove the requirement for applications for Disabled Facilities Grants to be made in a specified format.

7 October, 2010

Retirement home companies exploiting older people

Report published by Age UK reveals growing numbers of older people and their families are angry at service charges and unfair fees.

6 October, 2010

Counsel and Care welcomes injection of cash for Re-ablement support for people leaving hospital

However, clarification of what reablement includes is required to ensure that councils don't charge older people for services they are entitled to recieve free from their primary care trust.