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Community care

11 November, 2013

New website comparing adult social care services

Launched today by the Department of Health, the website will show how carers and people receiving local authority funded care and support rate factors such as quality of their life, satisfaction with care services and feeling safe, and will enable people to compare their council’s performance against others.

11 November, 2013

‘Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2014 to 2015’

New Department of Health publication sets out the indicators for measuring how well care and support services achieve 'the outcomes that matter most to people'.

6 November, 2013

Disabled people win Independent Living Fund case in High Court

Deighton Pierce Glynn solicitors welcome 'powerful ruling' that Minister for Disabled People had breached equality duties when making decision in December 2012 to close Fund.

29 October, 2013

New cross-government support strategy for care leavers

Strategy, launched today, will ensure that all government action across every department 'is working with one single, united purpose to improve the lives of these vulnerable young people', says Children and Families Minister

24 October, 2013

Care Bill will exclude many older and disabled people from social care support

Care and Support Alliance reports that proposed care needs threshold means that approximately 360,000 vulnerable people will receive no financial support towards their care.

24 October, 2013

Local Government Ombudsman finds that Thurrock Council failed in care for mother and child

Ombudsman finds that Council should have arranged care rather than providing direct payments which meant that the mother had to organise care for herself.

24 October, 2013

‘Co-ordinated care for people with complex chronic conditions’

New King's Fund report looks at the key components of effective strategies employed by studying five UK-based programmes to deliver co-ordinated health and social care for people with long-term and complex needs.

23 October, 2013

120 care providers to be investigated by HMRC for paying less than minimum wage

Head of Low Pay Commission also tells the Guardian that cuts in funding means that councils are cutting the rates that they paid care companies to wash, feed and dress the elderly and frail.

17 October, 2013

Care and Support Minister announces proposals to deal with 15-minute care visits

From April 2014 Care Quality Commission is 'proposing to look at whether home care visits are long enough to respond to people’s needs'.

17 October, 2013

Care Quality Commission publishes responses to consultation on changes to inspection procedures

Responses from public, people who use services, carers, Commission staff, professionals and voluntary organisations show that there is agreement with new approach, says Commission.

16 October, 2013

Dementia self-assessment framework

New framework - for use by health and social care staff, as well as wider teams and organisations - created by nurses and care staff to compare current dementia care with the best practice criteria.

15 October, 2013

Every care home and adult social care service in England will be rated by CQC by March 2016

Care Quality Commission's new chief inspector of social care Andrea Sutcliffe also says that it will monitor the finances of 50 / 60 care providers that would be difficult to replace if they were to go out of business.

9 October, 2013

Welsh Government presents Draft Budget for 2014/2015

Measures include allocation of £50m to establish new Intermediate Care Fund (designed to allow care recipients to remain in their own homes), continuation of universal benefits like free prescriptions and free school breakfasts and £12.5m to fund job opportunities for young people.

8 October, 2013

Councils must change the way they commission care, says Equalities and Human Rights Commission

New report warns that the way care is currently commissioned is unsustainable, leading to inadequate pay, poor working conditions for care workers and increasing threats to older people's human rights.

8 October, 2013

Michael Gove announces changes in legislation relating to young carers

Today's Written Ministerial Statement from Secretary of State for Education sets out changes to Children and Families Bill including that right to assessment of needs for support will be extended to all carers under the age of 18.

8 October, 2013

Cheshire East Council failed to inform vulnerable man’s parents of care plan

Local Government Ombudsman also finds that Council had failed to act on its earlier recommendation to carry out comprehensive reassessment of son who is 50 and has Asperger Syndrome and mental health problems.

7 October, 2013

Local Government Association responds to Leonard Cheshire Disability report on home care visits

'Unless local government finance is put on a sustainable footing, social care will remain substantially underfunded and services will suffer as a result', says Chair of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board.

7 October, 2013

Two-thirds of local councils commission 15-minute ‘flying’ social care visits

New report by Leonard Cheshire Disability also highlights that over the past five years the proportion of visits of 15 minutes or less has risen by 15 per cent.

30 September, 2013

Consultation on the future of regulation and inspection of care and support in Wales

Welsh Government is seeking views on its proposals to introduce an outcomes based inspection regime, a service based regulatory regime and a national institute of care and support.