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Community care

10 June, 2015

Integrated care cannot succeed without radical changes to commissioning, says Kings Fund

New report argues that the fragmentation of commissioning is a major obstacle to integrating health and social care and improving outcomes for people.

9 June, 2015

One in ten people in England and Wales provide unpaid care

New data from the Office for National Statistics forecasts that numbers providing unpaid care are expected to double over the next 30 years, while the proportion of older people in care homes has remained stable since 2011 despite an 11 per cent increase in the population at this age.

9 June, 2015

Carer’s rights and benefits in England

House of Commons briefing paper that sets out the rights and benefits afforded to carers in law, covering employment rights, protection from discrimination and social security benefits.

5 June, 2015

Welsh Government announces additional £8m in funding for adult mental health services

Extra funding to develop services to support people with dementia and increase the availability of psychological therapies across Wales.

4 June, 2015

Care and Support (Care Planning) (Wales) Regulations 2015

New regulations issued that make provision in relation to Section 54 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 that imposes a duty on a local authority to prepare and maintain a care and support plan for an adult or child to whom it owes a duty to meet needs under section 35 or 37 of the Act and to prepare a support plan for a carer to whom it owes a duty to meet needs under section 40 or 42 of the Act.

4 June, 2015

ADASS calls for additional funds to ‘protect essential care and support services’

In the face of a £1.1bn budget cut and 'almost unendurable' cutbacks in the past four years, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services have put out an urgent plea for 'sustained and substantial' additional funds to avoid further damage to the lives of older and vulnerable people.

29 May, 2015

Woman, with both legs amputated, awarded £27,000 for 14 month delay in deciding her personal budget

Joint investigation, by Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the Local Government Ombudsman, found that the woman was left without the right care package for more than a year, because of a dispute between Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust about the appropriate amount of support she should receive.

28 May, 2015

Welsh government announces £6m funding to help older people live independently in their home

Funding will support the Care and Repair service - which provides adaptations such as ramps, handrails, and safety alarms - and the Rapid Response Adaptations Programme - which provides minor adaptations to help prevent people from having to be admitted to hospital and enable those who are in hospital to be discharged earlier.

26 May, 2015

Community Care (Provision of Residential Accommodation Outwith Scotland) (Scotland) Regs 2015

New statutory instrument makes provision in in respect of the way in which residential accommodation, and residential accommodation with nursing, is provided in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by a local authority in fulfilment of their duties under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 or the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

22 May, 2015

85 per cent of carers in Scotland say that caring has had negative impact on their health

New research from Carers Scotland also finds that 41 per cent of carers in Scotland want increasing financial support for families providing unpaid care to be the government’s top priority.

20 May, 2015

Too many people dying without dignity, says Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

New report highlights cases where people's suffering could have been avoided or lessened with the right care and treatment, and says that end of life care could be improved for 335,000 people a year in England.

20 May, 2015

Scottish Government announces £3m funding for ‘Active and Independent Living Programme’

Three year programme to find new and innovative ways to help people with illness, disability or injury to lead healthy lives and stay in their own homes.

19 May, 2015

Carers UK calls on new government to make carers a priority

Call made in context of new research which finds that almost half of carers are finding it hard to make ends meet and that eight in ten said caring had had a negative effect on their health.

12 May, 2015

Alistair Burt appointed as Minister for Care and Support

Former Under Secretary of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to join Department of Health under re-appointed Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt.

30 April, 2015

Number of carers aged over 85 more than doubles in a decade whilst number getting support decreases

New analysis by Carers UK and Age UK also shows that over half (55 per cent) of these over 85s are caring for 50 or more hours each week.

30 April, 2015

28 April, 2015

Welsh Government announces extra £20m in funding to help people remain in their own home

£17.5m investment in Intermediate Care Fund to continue projects which have proven to be successful in helping older and vulnerable people remain in their own homes rather than go into hospital, with further £2.5m to identify areas of good practice and ensure they are spread across Wales.

23 April, 2015

23 April, 2015

Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 (Commencement No. 4) Order 2015

New regulations that bring into force on 11 May 2015 sections 5(1) and 5(2) of the Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2202 - local authority arrangements for residential accommodation outwith Scotland - and brings the remainder of section 5 into force on 24 June 2015.