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Community care

5 September, 2013

£10m fund to address on-going care needs of street homeless after discharge from hospital

Department of Health announces that 52 voluntary sector projects have been awarded a share of the funding.

5 September, 2013

‘Making it Real for Young Carers’

New Think Local Act Personal report, co-produced by young carers and written in their own words, explores making personalisation real for young people who take on caring responsibilities for family members.

3 September, 2013

Health and Social Care Information Centre to publish mental health data on monthly basis

Mental Health Minimum Data Set reports, which provide information about mental health services provided in hospitals, outpatient clinics and community settings, to move from quarterly to monthly publication.

29 August, 2013

Three remaining Remploy factories to close

Remploy has announced that no acceptable offers had been made for its furniture business and its sites in Blackburn, Sheffield, and Neath will close, with 160 disabled employees at risk of compulsory redundancy.

29 August, 2013

‘Does it pay to care?  Under-payment of the national minimum wage in the social care sector’

Resolution Foundation report shows that real pay levels of domiciliary care workers do not reflect the hours they work - in practice often lose at least £1 an hour because they are not paid separately for the time spent travelling between appointments and because home visits often take longer than the time allocated by the employer.

28 August, 2013

‘Personal health budgets: challenges for commissioners and policy-makers’

Nuffield Trust report looks at what personal health budgets are, how they will work in practice, and the issues they raise.

27 August, 2013

‘Supporting working carers: the benefits to families, business and the economy’

New Department of Health report makes recommendations highlighting the economic and social benefits of supporting carers in the workplace.

19 August, 2013

‘Housing with Care for Older People’

CIH Scotland report highlights a number of models, in the social sector in Scotland, that are aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of older people.

14 August, 2013

Scottish Government consults on use of resources following closure of Independent Living Fund

Closing date for responses to consultation - that seeks people's views on the closure of the Fund from April 2015 and the announcement that money will be distributed to the devolved institutions - is 1 November 2013.

13 August, 2013

NCCSC calls for practice examples of high quality dementia care

As part of its work with NICE to produce resources to support implementation of the quality standard 'Supporting people to live well with dementia' and, as part of this work, the NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (NCCSC) would like to gather practice examples that demonstrate high quality practice in dementia care.

12 August, 2013

9 August, 2013

Increasing numbers have support and services for care needs provided through ‘self-directed support’

However fewer people overall are receiving care and support from adult social services 'due to demographic pressures and financial restraint', according to new report from the Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care programme.

8 August, 2013

Disability Action launches ‘Age No Barrier’ project for over 65s in Northern Ireland

Project to offer information, advice and support about benefits and services, help and support to use IT, as well as encouraging over 65s to be volunteer peer advocates for other older people.

7 August, 2013

Direct payments, personal budgets and individual budgets

Community Care article provides an expert guide to the above parts of the personalisation agenda, which gives service users choice and control over their care and support.

1 August, 2013

Liverpool City Council failed to pay foster carers the national minimum fostering allowance.

Local Government Ombudsman’s investigation finds that the Council had 'for years' underpaid over 300 foster carers and special guardians.

24 July, 2013

19 July, 2013

Efficiency savings in adult social care becoming harder to identify

New Local Government Association report also says that focusing on helping people to continue living in their own homes is one of the keys to creating a sustainable care system.

19 July, 2013

Audit Commission analysis of cost of social care for older people

New briefing shows how much councils spend on different services and how well their costs and performance compares with other similar organisations.

18 July, 2013

Government outlines plans for capped funding system to help people plan for the cost of care

Proposals will protect people’s savings and homes from unlimited care costs and allow them to financially plan for the first time, says Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb.