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Is Sheltered Accomadation ‘specified accomadation’ 

RAISE Advice
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RAISE Benefits Advice Team, Liverpool

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Joined: 21 June 2010

We have a client who was already receiving Universal Credit when he moved into sheltered accommodation. He was not in receipt of the Housing Costs element before he moved. Is he able to claim Housing Benefit rather than the housing costs element of Universal Credit?

The LA say that they do not currently treat sheltered accommodation as specified accommodation.

FIT Advisor
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benefit advice officer, three rivers housing association, co durham

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Joined: 18 June 2010

It depends on the support provided and if it meets the conditions to be classed as ‘specified’. But take note that it is not the accommodation that is exempt it is the individual, so if the support is an option, which has become more common as the traditional warden type support has diminished with the withdrawal of supporting people funding, then you may find a sheltered scheme has a mix.  The intention is that if a UC claimant is in exempt/specified accommodation, the housing costs are met via housing benefit.