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PIP1 forms

Rosie W
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Welfare rights service - Northumberland County Council

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Joined: 9 February 2012

This will have been asked before but I’ve not found it by searching.

Is the PIP1 form available other than by writing to or ringing PIP new claims? Our deputyship team often need to make the application to become appointee via PIP for new working age clients who aren’t already in receipt of benefits. Can’t do it via UC.

The new claim line won’t take the claim over the phone because they aren’t already appointee. But they are also arguing about sending out a paper PIP1 (for reasons best known to themselves). The deps need the paper PIP1 so they can post it with the BF56 (application to become appointee).

It looks as though the only way round this is to write to PIP new claims and ask for the paper PIP1. They don’t have time to sit on the phone for hours every time trying to get one sent out that way.

We are not currently being offered the option to claim online at all.

Mike Hughes
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Senior welfare rights officer - Salford City Council Welfare Rights Service

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The “PIPApply” pilot is piloting exactly this on a very small scale until later in the year when it may go out to a wider extent. However, as with the link to an electronic PIP 2, my recall was that there is no current intention to make this available to anything other than claimants.

I also recall there being no reason at all why a paper PIP 1 could not be posted out other than it arguably creating a small delay in establishing the date of claim. A line I disagreed with each time it was said.

For what it’s worth some time ago I had a PIP 1 in a set of scanned appeal papers; clipped the document down to those pages and then used a photo editor to remove the appellants details. I then used that in those cases where a paper PIP 1 was more appropriate. Unfortunately I can no longer locate that document else I’d share it here.

Was there not also an issue with the phone calls that for a period Serco or their like had omitted to ask the question about whether you wanted your DLA evidence used? News item on here many moons ago. No doubt resolved now but an even greater incentive to have the PIP 1 paper form out in the public domain.