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18 February, 2021 Open access

Chancellor needs to act now to avoid renters being scarred by debts they have no hope of clearing

Organisations working in the private rented sector warn of rent debt crisis with at least half a million tenants in arrears due to the economic impact of Covid-19

16 February, 2021 Open access

Resolution Foundation calls on government to follow Scotland and Wales in establishing a tenant loan scheme to support renters in England who have fallen into arrears during pandemic

Think tank highlights that private renters have been particularly hard hit, and recommends that landlords must be required to take 'robust action' to negotiate a payment plan before taking tenants to court

15 February, 2021 Open access

Ban on bailiff evictions in England to be extended for 6 weeks to 31 March 2021

Exemptions remain in place for the 'most serious circumstances', with measures being kept under review in line with the latest public health advice

15 February, 2021

MHCLG confirms allocation of £125 million to councils in England to support victims of domestic abuse

Funding will ‘help victims and their children access support such as therapy, advocacy and counselling in safe accommodation’

12 February, 2021

Welsh Senedd passes amendment to Renting Homes Fees Act to correct legislative error leading to social landlords being unable to apply service charges for certain types of tenancy

Amendment adds service charges levied by a community landlord or supported accommodation provider to permitted payments under Schedule 1 to Act

11 February, 2021

Government action on cladding is ‘not enough’ and will still leave people in buildings with safety issues facing costs

As housing sector responds to new 5-point plan, Shelter Chief Executive says that the cladding scandal is not going anywhere until every single block of flats is made safe

10 February, 2021

Government sets out 5-point plan to protect leaseholders from the cost of replacing unsafe cladding on their homes

Housing Secretary says that landmark intervention will make homes safer and free those who did the right thing by saving for years to get on the property ladder to enjoy the homes

10 February, 2021

Housing mediation pilot must not replace usual routes to access justice, says Law Society

Society President expresses concern that unrepresented tenants may feel pressured to undertake mediation, and may be misrepresented by mediators who are not housing dispute specialists

8 February, 2021

Government outlines details of its review of the Decent Homes Standard that will explore ‘if it is right for the social housing sector today’

MHCLG says the two-part review will run until Summer 2022 and is expected to result in a 'refreshed' Standard

3 February, 2021 Open access

House of Lords votes in favour of motion of ‘regret’ on limitations of regulations that extend protection from eviction for tenants in England

Regulations that extend eviction ban to 21 February 2021 and enable further exemptions from the ban are nevertheless approved

1 February, 2021 Open access

Practice Direction 55C updated to extend temporary provisions in relation to stayed possession proceedings

Update provides for 'interim period' to remain in force to 30 July 2021 and extends period for filing and service of a 'reactivation notice' to 30 April 2021

1 February, 2021 Open access

Scottish Government publishes guidance on local authority duties under the Unsuitable Accommodation Order

Guidance covers extension of seven day limit on unsuitable temporary accommodation to cover all homeless applicants and delayed implementation due to Covid-19

28 January, 2021

Housing Ombudsman finds severe maladministration after affordable housing provider left family without effective heating and hot water system for more than eight months

Landlord ordered to pay tenant almost £1,500 compensation and also consider payment in respect of her actual losses

28 January, 2021 Open access

Almost 70,000 households in England were homeless or threatened with homelessness between July and September 2020

In addition, new statistics reveal that more than 90,000 households were in temporary accommodation on 30 September 2020

28 January, 2021

Amendment of date from which there is a requirement for fire detecting equipment to be installed in all housing in Scotland

New regulations move commencement date from 1 February 2021 to 1 February 2022 to allow for difficulties arranging works due to Covid-19 pandemic

22 January, 2021 Open access

19 January, 2021

Quarter of renters and mortgage holders in Scotland worried about not being able to meet housing costs in 2021

Shelter Scotland survey also finds that nearly one in five renters and mortgage holders had left heating off to meet housing costs, and that more than one in ten had skipped meals

18 January, 2021

Government announces new Under Secretary of State for Rough Sleeping & Housing

Appointment of Eddie Hughes, MP for Walsall North, follows the resignation of Kelly Tolhurst at the weekend

15 January, 2021 Open access

Shelter Scotland criticises Scottish Government’s decision to further extend exemption from seven-day limit on unsuitable temporary accommodation placements

New regulations laid by the government this week suspend protection of homeless households from extended placements in hotels and B&Bs until the end of June 2021