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8 November, 2022

Housing Ombudsman launches call for evidence to support new ‘systemic investigation’ to look at record keeping and data management

Views sought from social landlord complaint handlers in light of the fact that the majority of upheld investigations in 2021/2022 involved poor record keeping

1 November, 2022

Housing Ombudsman makes finding of severe maladministration in relation to social housing provider’s repeated failings in repairing damage to resident’s bedroom caused by leaks from property above

Landlord ordered to pay almost £3,000 compensation after repeatedly failing to fulfil promises to support resident while she waited for repairs

1 November, 2022

Scottish Government publishes revised Social Housing Charter to help improve the quality and value of services provided by social landlords

Charter prescribes standards and outcomes that social housing tenants can expect from landlords, and provides basis for Scottish Housing Regulator to assess landlords' performance

31 October, 2022

Deadline for households to claim £150 council tax energy rebate extended to 30 November 2022

While government advises that more than 99 per cent of eligible households in England have received the payment, change made to help councils support 'hard to reach' households

31 October, 2022

Mayor of London calls for immediate government action as ‘alarming’ new statistics show that number sleeping rough in capital has increased by almost a quarter over last year

Joining the call for action, Crisis Chief Executive highlights that while the rising cost of living has made things worse, this is a 'crisis that has been burning away for years'

31 October, 2022

Freezing or reducing rents to protect those on the lowest incomes is a ‘very unpredictable and inefficient policy tool’, warns CIH Northern Ireland

Exploring other ways to improve affordability in the private rented sector, housing charity's recommendations include extending welfare supplementary payments and enhancing existing rent control so that renters can challenge unfair rent increases

28 October, 2022

Campaigners call on new Prime Minister to publish the Renters’ Reform Bill in the current parliamentary session

With more than three years having passed since the government promised to introduce reforms, private renters can’t wait any longer, says Renters’ Reform Coalition

28 October, 2022

Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill receives Royal Assent

New legislation includes provisions to temporarily freeze rents and prevent eviction action being enforced

28 October, 2022

28 October, 2022

Delegation of functions of a judicial nature to legal officers in the Property Chamber

Senior President of Tribunals issues Practice Statement authorising legal officers to make all decisions that a judge may make, save for those which are 'substantive final decisions'

27 October, 2022

Current system of exempt accommodation is a ‘complete mess’, say MPs

Select Committee calls on government to 'get a grip' on the vast sums it is paying out without effective oversight

27 October, 2022

More than 100,000 people have arrived in the UK under the Homes for Ukraine scheme

Updated government figures highlight that an additional 20,000 people have arrived under the scheme since early August 2022

25 October, 2022

24 October, 2022

Housing Ombudsman calls for Decent Homes Standard to be revised to fully reflect housing conditions that can result in residents experiencing noise nuisance

New report on noise complaints also recommends a proactive good neighbourhood management policy, distinct from ASB policies, to improve social landlords' handling of complaints

21 October, 2022

Scottish Government publishes annual report on progress towards implementing Ending Homelessness Together action plan

While Scotland is seeing a declining trend in repeat homelessness and the number of people sleeping rough, Cabinet Secretary says that efforts still need to be 'stepped up' in other areas, in particular in reducing use of temporary accommodation

20 October, 2022

Housing Ombudsman makes finding of severe maladministration in relation to landlord’s handling of complaint from shared owners about defects in new build house

Ombudsman also instigates wider investigation into Catalyst Housing Limited's complaint handling in light of other cases raising similar issues

20 October, 2022

13 October, 2022

Housing Ombudsman makes two findings of severe maladministration in relation to landlord’s failings in handling a resident’s complaint about damp and mould

Onward Homes ordered to pay compensation of £2,175 and consider moving the resident, or offering a rent reduction, until the windows are replaced if the property is found to be uninhabitable