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11 January, 2023

More than 270,000 people are recorded as homeless in England

New Shelter research also finds that more than two-thirds of families living in temporary accommodation have been there for over a year

10 January, 2023

Housing Ombudsman makes finding of severe maladministration in relation to housing association’s failure to address fire safety issues in resident’s flat

Wandle Housing Association ordered to pay £700 in compensation after maladministration in complaint handling also identified

10 January, 2023

Housing Minister confirms that the government will legislate for second stage of its two-part leasehold reform programme ‘within this Parliament’

MPs advised that legislation will include measures to protect both new and existing leaseholders, including in relation to valuations for lease extensions, the purchase of freeholds, and freeholders' rights to take control of building management

9 January, 2023

More than 1.4 million households face an average £250 increase in monthly housing costs when they renew their fixed-rate mortgages in 2023

New ONS analysis of housing data also highlights that higher costs are already impacting those with variable-rate mortgages and private renters

9 January, 2023

23 December, 2022

Government announces two-year funding package to continue Homelessness Prevention Grant for councils in England to April 2025

£654 million for 2023 to 2025 will continue supporting homelessness prevention work, particularly in relation to support for vulnerable families and people at risk of rough sleeping

22 December, 2022

Tenant support groups call for government to clarify steps it is taking to address the ‘public health crisis created by our broken housing model’

Letter to the Secretary of State calls for update on steps being taken to improve enforcement of housing standards, tenants’ voice and the culture within social landlord organisations

22 December, 2022

Social landlords in Scotland announce plans to keep rent increases below inflation for 2023/2024

COSLA confirms that local authority rent increases will average no more than £5 a week, while housing association membership bodies report planned increases averaging 6.1 per cent

21 December, 2022

Select Committee expresses concern at number of Ukrainian families in the UK who may find themselves homeless at Christmas

Writing to Ministers in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Committee Chair asks what is being done to prevent a spike in homelessness

21 December, 2022

Government commits to ending veteran homelessness in 2023

Minister announces new referral scheme that will enable veterans at risk of homelessness to access supported housing and wrap-around specialist care in health, housing and education

21 December, 2022

19 December, 2022

More than 30 homelessness service providers warn of ‘devastating’ impact of not extending the government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme beyond March 2023

Letter to Business Secretary says 'unsustainable' rising costs are forcing organisations to scale back homelessness support and, in some cases, will lead to services closing altogether

15 December, 2022

Government publishes initial findings from English Housing Survey 2021/2022

Results include that around a fifth of households live in the private rented sector, where almost a quarter of dwellings fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard

14 December, 2022

Government announces Homes for Ukraine hosts will receive monthly £500 ‘thank you’ payments for ongoing support of Ukrainians after their first year in the UK

Updated package of support will also include £150 million one-off funding to help local authorities across the UK house Ukrainians and others at risk of homelessness, and £500 million for councils in England to acquire housing stock to house people fleeing international conflicts

14 December, 2022

Government issues Ministerial Direction to Regulator of Social Housing requiring it to set a temporary seven per cent cap on social housing rent increases for 2023/2024

Temporary one-year adjustment to current policy of limiting rent increase to CPI plus 1 per cent imposed due to ‘exceptional circumstances' of higher than expected inflation

14 December, 2022

Average monthly rents in England exceed £800 for the first time, new ONS data shows

Private rental statistics also show that London has the highest median monthly rent at £1,475, nearly double the median monthly rent for England, and the North East had the lowest at £525

14 December, 2022

Housing Ombudsman launches investigation into Islington Council to establish whether repeated tenant complaints about damp and mould are indicative of wider, systemic failings of the landlord

Investigation launched after Ombudsman finds maladministration for poor handling of complaints about damp and mould in four cases over the past year

13 December, 2022

Government announces £257 million funding to help support victims of domestic abuse and their children who are staying in safe accommodation

Two-year funding to be provided to enable councils in England to meet their legal duties under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021

13 December, 2022

Too many social housing tenants in England live in housing that fails to live up to sector’s ambitions to provide good quality, safe, and secure homes

Independent expert panel also finds power imbalance remains between tenants and landlords that is perpetuating rather than dismantling stigma and discrimination experienced by social housing tenants