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15 March, 2023

Scottish Housing Regulator confirms that social housing rents in Scotland will increase by average of 5 per cent in 2023/2024

New report based on survey of RSLs and local authorities highlights that average weekly rent increase will be £4.38

15 March, 2023

13 March, 2023

Housing Ombudsman issues special report on Catalyst Housing finding that it routinely failed to recognise formal complaints, and aspects of its service were ‘arbitrary, disjointed and concerning’

Decision to launch investigation into 'systemic failings' follows Ombudsman having made 31 findings across 13 cases from 2020/2021, with a maladministration rate of 90 per cent

9 March, 2023

Almost 7,500 households presented as homeless in Northern Ireland in the second half of 2022

New Department for Communities figures also show that more than 5,000 households were placed in temporary accommodation in the same period

8 March, 2023

Welsh Government welcomes findings of research on its council tax intervention policies

Government-commissioned reports show broadly positive responses from councils and third parties on changes including the introduction of a Council Tax Protocol for debt recovery and the standardisation of SMI exemptions

6 March, 2023

2 March, 2023

Temporary changes to the forms and notices used by landlords and tenants in relation to private tenancy rent increases in Scotland

New statutory instrument makes changes in light of emergency measures introduced by the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022

1 March, 2023

Scottish Government publishes statutory guidance for landlords on updated standards for private rented homes from 1 March 2024

Guidance sets out requirements for all private rented properties to have central heating, a kitchen with adequate space and facilities, and common areas that are safe to use and properly maintained

28 February, 2023

More than 3,000 people estimated to be sleeping rough on a single night in England in November 2022, up 26 per cent from 2021

New DLUHC statistics highlight that this represents the first increase in rough sleeping figures since 2017

28 February, 2023

More than 75,000 households were initially assessed as owed a homelessness prevention or relief duty in England between July and September 2022

New DLUHC figures also show that number of households threatened with homelessness due to service of a Section 21 notice was up by more than a third on same period in 2021

28 February, 2023

Ombudsman makes two findings of severe maladministration for housing association’s failure to deal with rodent and subsequent maggot infestations

Cumulative lesson for the sector is that it needs to get better at recognising and responding appropriately to residents with vulnerabilities, says Ombudsman

24 February, 2023

24 February, 2023

23 February, 2023

Civil society organisations, unions, and metropolitan mayors join renters in call for Housing Secretary to freeze rents

Open letter to Michael Gove also recommends more support for low income mortgage holders to protect them from losing their homes in the cost of living crisis

23 February, 2023

Ombudsman finds council at fault after man with health problems was left street homeless for six months during Covid-19 pandemic

Liverpool City Council ordered to pay compensation of £2,600 and review its procedures for homelessness referrals

23 February, 2023

Housing Ombudsman highlights that ‘extraordinary’ year of increased demand has led to an almost 80 per cent increase in requests for formal investigations

Surge in casework levels will support move into 'phase of significant expansion', which will continue through 'increased awareness and improved access to Ombudsman services'

22 February, 2023

Review of government’s Tenancy Mediation Pilot finds that mediation was offered too late in the process and suffered from a lack of specialist legal advice

MoJ and DLUHC publish findings from post-implementation review of initiative designed to help settle possession claims without a substantive hearing

22 February, 2023

Department for Communities confirms that Northern Ireland’s Housing Executive rent levels will increase by 7 per cent in 2023/2024

Increase equates to an average rise of £4.86 per week, bringing average weekly rents up to £74.35

21 February, 2023

Citizens Advice calls for government to bring regulation of health hazards such as damp and mould in the private rental sector in line with its proposals for social landlords

New report highlights need for tougher regulation to help protect the more than 1.5 million children in England living in cold, damp or mouldy private rented homes