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24 December, 2012

Rise in the number of homeless families in basic bed-and-breakfast accommodation in London

Official figure doubled between 2010 and 2011, and rose again in first six months of 2012.

24 December, 2012

Quarter of households in parts of UK overcrowded

1.06m households in England - almost 5% of the population - affected says Shelter.

21 December, 2012

Chartered Institute of Housing welcomes plan to phase in benefits cap

However, decision also creates a period of uncertainty for local authorities, housing providers and tenants, says CIH.

20 December, 2012

Welfare cuts threaten progress on tackling homelessness in Scotland, says Crisis

New Homelessness Monitor report examines the impact of the economic downturn and policy developments on homelessness in each of the countries of the UK.

20 December, 2012

Local authority housing statistics for England: 2011 to 2012

Department for Communities and Local Government publishes statistics on local authority housing stock; households on local authority housing waiting lists; local authority lettings; decent homes delivery; programme of work on Housing Revenue Account stock and local authority evictions.

20 December, 2012

27 per cent rise in homeless claims in Wales on previous year

Figures obtained by BBC Wales show more than 19,000 people claimed help from councils for homelessness, a rise for the second year running, reports bbc.co.uk.

20 December, 2012

Housing law update

Issue 293 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available

18 December, 2012

New regulations published in relation to Council Tax

New statutory instruments published in relation to Council Tax.

14 December, 2012

1 in every 115 households across England is at risk of homelessness

New Shelter research shows that in the 12 months to September 2012, 198,470 households were threatened with losing their home with the top 15 eviction hotspots being London boroughs.

14 December, 2012

Understanding the ‘designated person’ provision in the Localism Act

Chartered Institute of Housing explains how new measures will affect the way that unresolved complaints about social landlords are handled and the way in which they are escalated to the Ombudsman.

12 December, 2012

Affordability, choices, and quality of life in housing with care

Joseph Rowntree Foundation publishes report that examines how affordability affects the choices of tenants and leaseholders who are paying some or all their own costs in private and not-for-profit housing with care.

12 December, 2012

Census shows homeownership drop

Shelter reports on Census data published by the Office of National Statistics that shows that homeownership has fallen for the first time since records began 60 years ago.

11 December, 2012

New regulations in relation to Council Tax in Scotland

New statutory instruments published in relation to Council Tax in Scotland.

11 December, 2012

19 per cent of renters would have to sleep on streets for the first night if they were evicted

Research published by St Mungo's also shows that 41 per cent of people would be extremely or very concerned about being able to pay their rent or mortgage over the next three months if the main breadwinner in their household lost their job tomorrow.

11 December, 2012

The social impacts of housing undersupply on young people

Institute for Public Policy Research publishes report that explores the social impacts of the undersupply of housing, in areas such as life aspirations, starting a family, professional ambitions, relationships with parents and partners, security and control, and community belonging.

11 December, 2012

Homeless Link launches StreetLink a new service to help rough sleepers in England

New partnership between Homeless Link and Broadway, allows concerned members of the public to connect rough sleepers with local advice and services they may not be aware of.

11 December, 2012

Housing law update

Issue 292 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available.

10 December, 2012

Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

New statutory rule provides that certain persons from abroad are ineligible for an allocation of housing accommodation or for housing assistance.

7 December, 2012

Local Government Finance (Unoccupied Properties etc.) (Scotland) Act 2012

New Act that amends the law regarding non-domestic rates and council tax in respect of unoccupied properties; and repeals certain provisions that allow grants to be made to local authorities to meet housing needs in their areas, receives Royal Assent.