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4 July, 2013

Home Office consults on requirement for private landlords to check tenants’ immigration status

New consultation seeks views on 'light touch and proportionate checks' and penalty of up to £3,000 for those who don't comply.

4 July, 2013

Deputy First Minister announces end of Right to Buy in Scotland

Forthcoming Housing Bill will abolish the Right to Buy, although existing tenants will have three years to exercise the right.

3 July, 2013

First reading of Bill to establish mandatory licensing scheme for private letting agents

Former Labour Housing Minister has introduced a Private Member's Bill which if passed will establish a scheme, to be administered and enforced by local authorities, that will require tenants and landlords to have written agreements, and will empower local authorities to trade as letting and managing agents.

3 July, 2013

Over 65s need more information to aid independent living

Age UK survey finds 20 per cent of over 65s cited a lack of available information on independence aids for the home, highlighting a lack of access and understanding of services in their local area.

2 July, 2013

Seven social housing providers join in investigation into impact of welfare reforms on tenants

Each landlord to work intensively with around ten households for at least 18 months, according to 24dash.com.

2 July, 2013

Number of families renting their home double that of ten years ago

Commenting on Office for National Statistice Census figures, Shelter warns that, unless government builds more affordable homes, more families will join 'generation rent'.

2 July, 2013

Planning and Travellers guidance

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced in parliament that the government is cancelling the practice guidance, 'Diversity and Equality in Planning', and it will not be replaced.

2 July, 2013

‘Building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market’

Joseph Rowntree Foundation report sets out options for reform, including a 'Sustainable Home Ownership Partnership', a fund to which borrowers, lenders and government would contribute, coupled with longer-term benefit payments being made a charge on the property.

1 July, 2013

Housing Law Update

Issue 314 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available.

28 June, 2013

Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment of Schedule 1) (Scotland) Order 2013

New regulations issued, designed to to prevent residents being exploited by unscrupulous site owners while ensuring business viability of privately owned sites is maintained.

28 June, 2013

Tenants who complain about poor housing should be protected from ‘retaliatory’ eviction

Shelter Cymru and Citizens Advice Cymru say tenants are right to fear being kicked out if they force a landlord to improve their substandard home.

28 June, 2013

Homeless Link expresses concern about impact of CSR cuts on homelessness

Research shows that previous cuts have already led to the loss of vital provision for homeless people in many areas and there is a real possibility that the 10% further cuts to Local Government and Communities budgets could see this pattern continue.

27 June, 2013

Mobile Homes (Pitch Fees) (Prescribed Form) (England) Regulations 2013

New regulations issued that prescribe the form of the document that must accompany a pitch fee review notice proposing an increase in a pitch fee served under the Mobile Homes Act 1983.

27 June, 2013

Scottish Housing Regulator launches inquiry into homelessness prevention

The inquiry will assess the performance of local authorities in developing and delivering housing options services.

26 June, 2013

Risk of never getting more people off benefits unless rents fall

Chartered Institute of Housing says rising rents mean it is 'less likely that claimants can ever increase their earnings by enough to come off benefits'.

26 June, 2013

Labour to establish decent homes standard for private rented sector

Inside Housing reports Shadow Housing Minister as saying future Labour government would bring the private sector in line with basic standards for social housing.

26 June, 2013

Mortgage lender to allow buy-to-let borrowers offer long-term tenancies

Shelter reports that the Nationwide Building Society Group is to permit its buy-to-let borrowers to grant tenancies with a term of more than 12 months.

26 June, 2013

‘No More: Homelessness through the eyes of recent rough sleepers’

Homeless charity St Mungo's launches report that looks at where people go for help before they start to sleep rough, identifies missed opportunities to prevent homelessness, and makes several recommendations.

26 June, 2013

Government ‘unconvinced’ of need for increased regulation of private letting agencies

In response to parliamentary question, Baroness Hanham also states that government does 'not support a blanket ban on fees to tenants especially as this is likely to drive up the cost of rents'.