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23 May, 2014

New Act provides for landlords to be required to check the immigration status of their tenants

Immigration Act 2014, which received Royal Assent on 14 May 2014, also contains measures designed to 'ensure a more robust response to rogue employers who exploit illegal labour'.

21 May, 2014

More than 4,000 risk losing home each week, according to Shelter

Guardian reports on analysis of possession notices issued over last year which suggests that 215,000 homes in England are at risk of eviction or repossession.

21 May, 2014

One in ten mortgagors risks unaffordable repayments as interest rates rise

Modelling by Resolution Foundation finds that around 770,000 households are at risk of being 'mortgage prisoners' due to a limited ability to switch to better mortgage deals and at risk of payments being at least one third of disposable income by 2018.

13 May, 2014

Letting agents to be required to publish full details of fees charged

Under plans announced today, agents will be required to publish a full tariff of their fees - both on their websites and prominently in their offices - or face a fine.

13 May, 2014

Frontline homelessness advice: bidding prospectus

DCLG launches competitive grant process to find an organisation to deliver specialist support, advice and training to frontline housing and homelessness advice staff covering the period October 2014-March 2016.

9 May, 2014

Landlord possession claims up 26 per cent between 2010 and 2013

New Ministry of Justice statistics report a 29 per cent decline in mortgage possession claims over the same period.

8 May, 2014

Labour to call vote in House of Commons on banning letting fees to tenants

BBC reports that proposed amendment to Consumer Rights Bill to be tabled next Tuesday.

6 May, 2014

Homelessness figures in Northern Ireland at ‘historically high levels’ since 2005/2006

New report from Crisis warns that numbers could begin to rise further unless Northern Ireland Assembly 'takes action to protect the most vulnerable'.

1 May, 2014

House prices could quadruple if we don’t act, warn KPMG and Shelter

New report sets out essential reforms to increase the supply of affordable housing and stabilise England’s 'rollercoaster' housing market.

30 April, 2014

Chartered Institute of Housing asks housing staff how welfare changes will affect the sector

Guardian Housing Network article by CIH head of policy and practice provides summary of responses that will be used to inform new report on future of welfare.

30 April, 2014

19,494 properties bought with Help to Buy Equity Loan in first 12 months of scheme

New DCLG statistics for period April 2013 to March 2014 also show that 87.5 per cent of purchases made by first time buyers.

29 April, 2014

8 per cent increase in numbers sleeping on the streets of London in the last year

New report from Combined Homelessness and Information Network also highlights that this is on the back of three years of rises in rough sleeping in London representing a 75 per cent increase.

28 April, 2014

Rising private rents threaten Scotland’s poverty record, says Joseph Rowntree Foundation

New report, written for the JRF by the New Policy Institute, highlights that Scotland’s poorest families are facing higher housing costs as more move into private rented homes.

25 April, 2014

Information, advice and representation in housing possession cases

New report publishing the findings of research project looking at how the mix of financial and non-financial factors is taken into account during the housing possession process for both mortgaged properties and rented homes.

25 April, 2014

113,049 people removed from waiting lists by 77 councils since June 2012

New research from Inside Housing shows local authorities have reduced access to waiting lists since introduction of the Localism Act 2011.

24 April, 2014

Scottish Housing Minister anounces early abolition of Right to Buy

Scottish government to amend the notice period for Right to Buy from three to two years after the date the Housing (Scotland) Bill receives Royal Assent.

24 April, 2014

Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014

Act creates two-tier system of First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal for jurisdictions including private rented housing committee, homeowner housing committee and valuation appeal committee.

24 April, 2014

Lack of affordable housing making it hard to leave homelessness behind

New report finds that 32 per cent of homeless people ready to move on from hostels and supported accommodation but are unable to.

24 April, 2014

Standard of accommodation for asylum seekers ‘has often been unacceptably poor’

New report from Public Accounts Committee also says that Home Office change to private contracts for delivery of accommodation was poorly planned, badly managed and is unlikely to yield the savings intended.