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29 August, 2014

Couple awarded £10,000 compensation for delay of over two years in giving them a personal budget

Local Government Ombudsman also finds that the couple did not receive adequate housing advice and their housing application was not prioritised in accordance with the council's housing policy, and in addition the council continued to charge council tax on the couple's former home even though an exemption should have been applied.

22 August, 2014

Condition of many of Britain’s social housing estates is ‘nothing short of a national embarrassment’

New report from the Policy Exchange says that the results of decades of neglect and ghettoization have led to acute social problems that are entrenched and generational.

21 August, 2014

Right to Buy sales for first quarter of 2014 up by 33 per cent on same quarter last year

New statistics also show that London Boroughs accounted for 33 per cent of sales, the highest percentage since statistics became available.

18 August, 2014

DEFRA consults on changes to agricultural tenancies

View sought on modernising the repair and maintenance of fixed equipment and end-of-tenancy compensation in England.

15 August, 2014

Almost 1.6m UK households are spending more than half their disposable income on housing costs

Fact that working households who are ‘housing pinched’ and in the bottom half of the income distribution have so little left over, in cash terms, to pay for other things, is a real cause for concern, says Resolution Foundation.

14 August, 2014

DCLG publishes ‘live tables on homelessness’

Figures in today's publication include that, in the first quarter of 2014, there were 12,540 local authority homelessness acceptances.

14 August, 2014

Elderly residents not consulted properly when company that owned their homes was sold

Local Government Ombudsman recommends that Fylde Borough Council apologise to each resident of a housing complex for failing to ensure that the association who ran the complex consulted them properly on disposing of their homes to a developer.

12 August, 2014

DCLG publishes technical paper on residential leaseholds in England

Figures include that, in 2012-13, there were 4.1m dwellings in England owned leasehold, of which 2.4m were in the owner occupied sector and 1.7m privately owned but let in the private rented sector.

12 August, 2014

Mandatory and discretionary guidance to social landlords on reducing service charges

New DCLG guidance to social landlords on capping service charges where improvement works are funded by government.

8 August, 2014

Universal Credit One Year In: The experiences of housing associations

New report from the National Housing Federation - based on discussions with the DWP and housing associations in areas where universal credit has been introduced - that provides information to help other housing association in their own preparations for the new benefit, and makes recommendations to the DWP for improvements that need to be made to the system.

7 August, 2014

Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (Wales) Regulations 2014

New regulations that prescribe the procedure for the making, variation and deletion of site rules, prescribe the matters to which site rules may and may not relate, and grant appeal rights in relation to these matters, under section 52 of the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013.

7 August, 2014

38,509 landlord possession claims in second quarter of 2014

New Ministry of Justice statistics report that this is both the second highest quarter 2 figure since 2009 and the lowest quarterly figure for two years.

7 August, 2014

41 per cent of homeless families in London housed in temporary accommodation for more than 2 years

Analysis of Freedom of Information requests by Shelter also suggests that around one in four households subject to the benefit cap in London are in temporary accommodation.

6 August, 2014

Requirement for landlords to check the immigration status of their tenants

New Home Office guide to new rules that will mean that, from late autumn 2014, landlords in some areas will need to check that tenants have a right to rent in the UK before letting a property to them.

6 August, 2014

Court of Appeal decision that Equality Act cases should be ‘summarily assessed’ to be appealed

Nearly Legal reports that permission to appeal in Aster Communities Ltd v Akerman-Livingstone was granted by the Supreme Court the day after the Court of Appeal's decision.

5 August, 2014

Housing (Scotland) Act 2014

New legislation that makes provision about housing in Scotland, including in relation to the abolition of the right to buy, social housing, the law affecting private housing, the regulation of letting agents and the licensing of sites for mobile homes.

5 August, 2014

Housing Minister welcomes introduction of higher Right to Buy discounts

New maximum discount caps mean that tenants can now benefit from up to £77,000 off the value of their home outside London, and £102,700 in the capital.

31 July, 2014

No Going Back – Breaking the cycle of rough sleeping and homelessness

New report from the London Assembly Housing Committee examines what happens to those who are not housed by councils, and looks at how homeless support services address the often complex needs of repeat rough sleepers.

29 July, 2014

Local Government Association calls for volunteers to be given a council tax discount

10 per cent reductions should be offered to 'community heroes' who improve life in their areas by giving up their time to do things like help run local libraries, museums and leisure centres, says LGA.