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13 October, 2015

Housing and Planning Bill 2015/2016 introduced to Parliament

New Bill includes provision for greater powers for local authorities to identify and tackle rogue landlords, implementing the Right to Buy for housing association tenants on a voluntary basis, and requiring local authorities to sell their most expensive vacant properties and replace them with new affordable housing.

13 October, 2015

Secretary of State sets out summary of the Right to Buy deal with Housing Associations

In a written statement to the House of Commons, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark said that, under the agreement with the National Housing Federation, all homes sold to tenants will be replaced on a one for one basis.

13 October, 2015

Evaluating the effect the Supporting People Programme has on tackling homelessness

New feasibility study from the Public Policy Institute for Wales considers how the contribution the Supporting People programme makes to preventing and tackling homelessness might be evaluated, and sets out an approach for this evaluation.

13 October, 2015

Call for views on the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill

The Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is seeking views on the Bill which aims to replace the current system of private tenancies in Scotland, and to provide tenants with protection against excessive rent increases and provide rent predictability.

12 October, 2015

‘Pay to stay’ could make housing too expensive for people on relatively low incomes, says CIH

Response to government consultation also warns that new policy could prove to be complex and expensive for social landlords to administer.

12 October, 2015

Immigration Bill housing measures may breach human rights

New Equality and Humans Rights Commission parliamentary briefing expresses concerns about a number of measures in the Bill including the fast tracking of evictions of illegal migrants which, it says, could breach human rights protections if families with children are made destitute as a result of becoming homeless in this way.

12 October, 2015

Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 (Commencement No. 4 and Amendment) Order 2015

New statutory instrument introduces the phased commencement of section 25(1)(a) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 which enables third party applications to be made to the Private Rented Housing Panel.

12 October, 2015

30,000 homeless young people turned away by local authorities, says Centrepoint

Findings from freedom of information requests include that, in last year, only 40 per cent of young people in England were given an assessment to find out whether they were eligible for emergency housing whilst, in Wales, 60 per cent were assessed.

9 October, 2015

Consultation on ‘pay to stay’ for high income social tenants

Consultation - launched today by the Department for Communities and Local Government - proposes a system of ‘tapers’ that would tie rent levels more closely to income, and asks for views on the potential administration costs.

8 October, 2015

Councils must decide homeless applications promptly and effectively, says Ombudsman

New report from the Local Government Ombudsman finds that the London Borough of Hounslow should have taken about 15 weeks to determine the homelessness status of a woman with mental health needs, but instead it took about 62 weeks.

8 October, 2015

Private Housing (Tenancies) Bill published in Scotland

New Bill aims to ensure tenants will have more security, stability and predictability when privately renting a home in Scotland.

8 October, 2015

Prime Minister announces agreement with housing associations and NHF to extend Right to Buy

'Some people said this would be impossible and that housing associations would never stand for it. Today we have secured a deal with housing associations to give their tenants the Right to Buy their home', says David Cameron

7 October, 2015

‘Affordable homes’ to be available to buy rather than rent

In his speech to the Tory party conference, the Prime Minister David Cameron announces that current rules requiring property developers to build affordable homes that are available for rent will be replaced with new rules that require they should be available to buy.

7 October, 2015

House of Commons briefing on extending the Right to Buy

New report explains the government's proposal to extend the Right to Buy to assured tenants of housing associations.

7 October, 2015

House of Commons briefing on Immigration Bill

New report sets out provisions in Bill - which is due to have second reading in the Commons on 13 October - including in relation to creating new office of illegal working and building on existing measures to restrict irregular migrants’ access to residential tenancies.

6 October, 2015

Local authority lettings decreased by 7 per cent in 2014/2015

New statistics from the Department for Communities and Local Government also find that social housing lettings by private registered providers decreased by 1 per cent in 2014/15, in contrast to the long-term trend.

6 October, 2015

Scotland needs 12,000 new affordable homes a year

New report commissioned by Shelter Scotland, the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland, and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations defines the scale, cost and reasons for what would be the biggest house building programme in Scotland since the 1970s.

5 October, 2015

Extending right to buy to housing association tenants ‘will cost £6bn by 2020’

Local Government Association warns that the discount, which would cost £1.bn a year, must not be funded by forcing councils to sell-off their social housing, which would drive up rents and the housing benefit bill and lower the capacity of councils to build more homes and tackle waiting lists.

2 October, 2015

Retaliatory Eviction and the Deregulation Act 2015: guidance note

New guidance from the Department for Communities and Local Government that describes new measures that will protect tenants from eviction when they raise a complaint about the condition of their home.