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7 December, 2021

Welsh Government confirms plans for ‘ambitious package’ of council tax reforms

Minister advises consultation will take place next year on plans including revaluation, a review of the council tax reduction scheme, and an evaluation of discounts, disregards, exemptions and premiums

6 December, 2021

2 December, 2021

Communities Minister launches consultation on proposals to increase the notice to quit period for tenants in Northern Ireland’s private rented sector

Responses to the consultation will help to inform the Private Tenancies Bill as it progresses and any future use of powers to lengthen notice periods contained in the Bill

1 December, 2021

ONS reports that there were almost 700 homeless deaths in England and Wales in 2020

However, statistics body highlights that the true number of deaths may be underestimated as the Everyone In scheme made it more difficult to identify homeless people from its mortality records

1 December, 2021

30 November, 2021

30 November, 2021

Welsh Government launches Ending Homelessness Action Plan

Also announcing a £30 million funding pot over five years, Minister says that homelessness when it occurs should be ‘rare, brief and unrepeated’

30 November, 2021

Housing Ombudsman makes finding of severe maladministration after housing association failings led to resident experiencing further domestic abuse before becoming homeless

Anchor Hanover ordered to pay £3,500 compensation to resident for failures in relation to request for transfer after initial report of domestic violence

30 November, 2021

25 November, 2021

Ministry of Justice launches consultation on a new approach to the delivery of legal aid for housing possession proceedings

Proposals include remodelling of Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme to become new Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service, providing early legal advice before court as well as existing advice and representation at court

24 November, 2021

24 November, 2021

Draft legislation on licensing short-term lets laid before Scottish Parliament

Legislation requires local authorities to establish short-term letting scheme by October 2022, with existing hosts and operators to have until 1 April 2023 to apply for a licence

23 November, 2021

23 November, 2021

Pledge to introduce White Paper on right to adequate housing and fair rents among measures included in Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru Co-operation Agreement

Wide-ranging agreement will 'help secure a stable Senedd over the next three years, capable of delivering radical change and reform', says First Minister

19 November, 2021

Civil Justice Council consultation asks whether the landlord possession pre-action protocol should be extended to apply to possession claims brought by private landlords

Views also sought on options for reform across the range of pre-action protocols, including in relation to judicial review

18 November, 2021

Housing Ombudsman finds severe maladministration in housing association’s handling of complaint by vulnerable tenant about repairs to leaking shower

Abri Homes ordered to pay tenant £3,000 compensation for expenses, damaged possessions, and the distress and inconvenience he experienced

17 November, 2021

Almost half of complaints to the Housing Ombudsman were upheld in 2020/2021

In addition, annual report highlights that two-thirds of the resulting orders involved compensation

17 November, 2021

Select Committee launches inquiry into the quality and regulation of social housing in England

Committee chair highlights that stories of dilapidated social housing and tales of housing associations failing to respond to residents’ complaints 'call into question the effectiveness of the existing regulatory regime’

15 November, 2021