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19 June, 2013

Up to 30 years to save for a deposit, says Shelter

Charity has created an online calculator to show how long it takes to save up for a home in different areas of England.

18 June, 2013

‘Housing and employment services: Collaboration in a time of change’

ERSA and the National Housing Federation launch joint best practice guide which aims to encourage and support the development of new models of collaborations between the two sectors by highlighting the diverse models already in place.

18 June, 2013

Local Government Ombudsman upholds housing complaint about Southwark Council

Ombudsman says that council 'left a vulnerable family in cramped, temporary accommodation for 18 months with little contact – then tried to evict them with only nine days’ notice.'

18 June, 2013

DCLG writes to local authorities about housing rights of Croatian nationals following EU accession

Letter highlights that under Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 - to come into force on 1 July 2013 when Croatia accedes to EU - provision is made for Croation workers to be exempted from the requirement to be habitually resident if they are working in the UK subject to the relevant worker authorisation scheme.

14 June, 2013

Superstrike Ltd v Rodrigues

[2013] EWCA Civ 669

14 June, 2013

Assured & Protected Tenancies (Lettings to Students) (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2013

New regulations that add to the list of companies, tenancies granted to students by which, will not fall within the definition of assured tenancy under the Housing Act 1988.

14 June, 2013

Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

In force from 1 July 2013, new regulations set out that Croation workers are to be exempted from the requirement to be habitually resident if they are working in the UK subject to the relevant worker authorisation scheme.

13 June, 2013

Emergency Grants (Eligible Tenants) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013

New statutory rule adds private sector tenancies which are not protected or statutory tenancies to the descriptions of tenancies included in scheme for paying grants to eligible tenants who are unable or unwilling to occupy their homes as a consequence of acts of violence.

13 June, 2013

Prime Minister confirms that Help to Buy not available for second homes or foreign buyers

Guardian reports on clarification of £15.5bn scheme during this week's Prime Minister's Questions.

13 June, 2013

New Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust blog on helping tenants with welfare reform

Measures undertaken by Trust include changing transfer policies to help people affected by 'bedroom tax', setting aside budget to help with cost of moving, promoting social inclusion and the launch of a new video for residents to explain welfare reforms.

13 June, 2013

12 June, 2013

Recent developments in housing law

May update, as published in the Legal Action Magazine, now available from the Garden Court Chambers website.

12 June, 2013

Shelter calls for an end to letting agency fees for renters

Charity finds that tenants being pushed into debt or forced to cut back on food or heating due to 'out of control' fees.

11 June, 2013

Birmingham Council fined £4,000 for placing family in B&B for more than four months

Local Government Ombudsman upholds complaint on basis that long term stay contrary to government policy that B&B accommodation not suitable for families and can only be used for emergency situations and not for more than six weeks, reports Inside Housing.

11 June, 2013

Homelessness in Wales will rise due to welfare reforms, says Crisis

Findings of new research include that 'bedroom tax' is the biggest concern with up to 44,000 social tenants to be affected and limited capacity to help move to smaller accommodation.

11 June, 2013

Holt v Reading Borough Council

[2013] EWCA Civ 641

10 June, 2013

Call for evidence on regulation of social housing in England

Communities and Local Government Committee invites submissions on issues including the major risks facing Housing Associations and the social housing sector and the role and effectiveness of the Regulation Committee.

7 June, 2013

Proposed changes to rights of social tenants in Scotland

The Scottish Government Housing Minister has announced measures affecting tenant's rights and the allocation of social housing likely to be included in a forthcoming Housing Bill.

7 June, 2013

£2m fund to help councils cut use of bed and breakfast for homeless families

Housing Minister challenges 16 worst-offending councils to test new solutions and learn from best practice.