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10 June, 2015

House of Commons library briefing on prposed extension of Right to Buy scheme

New note explains the Government's proposal to extend the Right to Buy to assured tenants of housing associations which requires primary legislation and will be included in a forthcoming Housing Bill.

10 June, 2015

Best practice in council tax support schemes

Study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation looks at examples of best practice in council tax support, and of how schemes can be designed to protect both the revenue of local authorities and the incomes of their least well-off residents, and concludes that it would be difficult to integrate council tax support with universal credit due to the level of variation at local level.

9 June, 2015

Fines resulting from legal action against rogue landlords should be used to fund further enforcement

Ahead of next month's budget, the Chartered Institute for Housing also highlights that an English Housing Survey showed a third of private rented homes would have failed the government's Decent Homes Standard in 2012, and calls on government to improve standards for private renters.

9 June, 2015

5 June, 2015

Scottish Government announces £21m in funding for home improvements

Three year scheme to to allow low income owner-occupiers to carry out essential repairs and energy efficiency improvements to their homes.

3 June, 2015

Council Tax Valuation Bands Bill 2015-2016

Private Member's Bill, to make provision for the introduction of a new set of council tax valuation bands to apply to all dwellings bought or sold after 1 April 2000, introduced to House of Lords yesterday.

3 June, 2015

Johnston v City of Westminster

[2015] EWCA Civ 554

3 June, 2015

Welsh government to halve the maximum discount available to people buying their council house

Following a consultation Housing Minister Lesley Griffiths is taking immediate action to reduce the discount this summer and has started the development of legislation to end Right to Buy, for consideration by the government in the next Assembly term.

3 June, 2015

Local authorities breaching rules limiting use of bed and breakfast accommodation for care leavers

Investigation by BBC Radio 4 finds that, of England's 151 local authorities, 15 told a Department for Education annual census, that no more than two thirds of young care leavers were living in accommodation which met official criteria on what was 'suitable'.

28 May, 2015

House of Commons library briefing on EEA migrants’ access to social housing

New note gives an overview of EEA migrants' eligibility to apply for social housing in England and considers the question of whether these people have preferential access to social housing and can 'jump the housing queue.'

27 May, 2015

Extension of Right to Buy levels of discount to housing association tenants

New Housing Bill introduced in Queen's Speech also requires local authorities to dispose of high-value vacant council houses, to help fund the Right to Buy extension discounts and the building of more affordable homes in the area.

27 May, 2015

New Scottish Government report highlights benefits of living wage

Positive outcomes highlighted in independent report include increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and reduced staff turnover.

26 May, 2015

Updated Right to Buy guidance for tenants

Guidance updated to take into account changes made to the eligibility criteria in May 2015 which reduce the requirement of five years public sector tenancy to three years.

26 May, 2015

Housing Minister welcomes change in law for Londoners wishing to rent out home on short-term basis

New legislation, coming into force today, brings London into line with the rest of the country by removing requirement to apply for planning permission.

26 May, 2015

Community Care (Provision of Residential Accommodation Outwith Scotland) (Scotland) Regs 2015

New statutory instrument makes provision in in respect of the way in which residential accommodation, and residential accommodation with nursing, is provided in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by a local authority in fulfilment of their duties under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 or the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

26 May, 2015

Communities Secretary confirms that Right to Buy to be extended to housing associations

New Housing Bill, to be introduced in Queen's Speech tomorrow, will give a further 1.3m people the right to buy their home, says Greg Clark.

22 May, 2015

Comparison of homelessness duties across the nations

New House of Commons Library briefing paper explains and compares the legal duties on local authorities (and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive) to assist people presenting as homeless in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

21 May, 2015

Requirement for landlords to check tenant’s immigration status to be rolled out nationwide

Prime Minister David Cameron, in his speech today on immigration, also announces the introduction of a new mandatory licensing regime aimed at cracking down on 'unscrupulous landlords who cram houses full of illegal migrants'.

21 May, 2015

16 per cent of privately rented homes are physically unsafe

New report from Citizens Advice also finds that 8 per cent of rented homes have serious damp, 10 per cent pose a risk of a dangerous fall, and 6 per cent are excessively cold.