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Child DLA claim cause migration to Universal Credit

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Financial wellbeing team leader - Family Mosaic, London

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I have a client whose daughter is severely mentally disabled. I think she would be a good candidate for Child DLA, but client is worried that claiming it would count as a change of circumstances and invoke having to claim Universal Credit.

I cannot find anything specific that says yes or no to this question. I recognise claiming Carers Allowance would, but I cannot find anything either way on the effect of child DLA and CTC.

Anyone been here before?

HB Anorak
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Is the client currently on JSA(ib)? That is the only benefit that could be adversely affected apart from CA counting as income of course

Ruth Knox
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I dont see how claiming DLA or CA in itself would trigger a change.  There’s no need to claim any new income-related benefits - presumably Housing Benefit and Tax Credits already in place, and could be amended because of change of circumstances.  But I suppose there could be a problem in relation to Jobseekers Allowance - it’s possible to ask for jobseeking to take into account caring responsibilities but (I think) she might have to show she could still realistically look for work of at least 16 hours a week Ruth

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Neither the DLA claim nor the CA claim would trigger a claim for UC. Tax Credits and Housing Benefit would be a change of circs but not a new claim.

Even if she stopped claiming JSA she does not have to claim UC (unless she is relying on this for retaining right to reside) and would still be financially better off than she is now as the DLA, CA and disability premiums would be worth more than any JSA she currently receives.


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Yes but if she loses the JSA she also loses the benefit of the carer’s premium in that and won’t be able to claim IS as a carer - so would need to try and stay on JSA as Ruth says I think

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I agree Daphne but even without JSA and carers premium she would still be better of financially than she is now. Ideal situation would be if she was currently on IS or failing that she went for the reduced conditions on JSA as Ruth said.

Elliot Kent
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It might be helpful if OP tells us whether the client is getting JSA. She might well be working or on IS as a single mum or ESA etc.