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Penalty imposed for begging in public breached the Human Rights Convention

shawn mach


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Total Posts: 3883

Joined: 14 April 2010

New ECHR judgment:

Being in a clearly vulnerable situation, the applicant had the right, inherent in human dignity, to be able to convey her plight and attempt to meet her basic needs by begging.

From the ECHR’s press notice:

In today’s Chamber judgment in the case of Lacatus v. Switzerland (application no. 14065/15), the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The case concerned an order for the applicant to pay a fine of 500 Swiss francs (CHF) (approximately 464 euros (EUR)) for begging in public in Geneva, and her detention in a remand prison for five days for failure to pay the fine.

The Court observed that the applicant, who was illiterate and came from an extremely poor family, had no work and was not in receipt of social benefits. Begging constituted a means of survival for her.

Being in a clearly vulnerable situation, the applicant had the right, inherent in human dignity, to be able to convey her plight and attempt to meet her basic needs by begging.

The Court considered that the penalty imposed on the applicant had not been proportionate either to the aim of combating organised crime or to the aim of protecting the rights of passers-by, residents and shopkeepers. The Court did not subscribe to the Federal Court’s argument that less restrictive measures would not have achieved a comparable result.

In the Court’s view, the penalty imposed had infringed the applicant’s human dignity and impaired the very essence of the rights protected by Article 8 of the Convention, and the State had thus overstepped its margin of appreciation in the present case.
