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24 October, 2014

Housing and Work Manifesto calls to release potential of social housing in employment support

Manifesto, launched by ERSA and GUAC, calls for action to make it easier for social housing providers to take on publicly funded employment contracts, an increase in the co-ordination and integration of services to support social housing tenants, and support to increase the capacity of social housing providers to provide good quality employment related support to their residents.

16 October, 2014

Average wages have fallen by £50 a week in real terms since 2008

New analysis from TUC shows that average weekly earnings have fallen for the seventh year running - the longest period since records began in the 1850s.

15 October, 2014

Government publishes independent review of the law governing industrial disputes by Bruce Carr QC

However, in foreword to report, Mr Carr regrets that he has been unable to fully deliver against the Terms of Reference set by government and to make proposals or recommendations for change 'due to the increasingly political environment within which I was operating coupled with the lack of a significant enough body of evidence to support any recommendations for change'.

15 October, 2014

Lord Freud apologises for ‘foolish and offensive’ comments about disabled people and minimum wage

BBC reports on 'full and unreserved' apology from Minister for Welfare Reform Lord Freud for saying, at Conservative Party conference fringe meeting, that some disabled people were 'not worth' paying the national minimum wage.

15 October, 2014

Scottish Government creates Fair Work Convention

Alex Salmond announces formation of stakeholder body to provide leadership on Scottish industrial relations and promote the principles behind fair work, as recommended by the Working Together Review.

15 October, 2014

Government submits evidence to Low Pay Commission for 2015 national minimum wage rate

Employment Relations Minister Jo Swinson says that Commission being asked to consider how to ensure apprentices are being paid the right wage and 'how we can increase the real value of the national minimum wage, without having an adverse impact on jobs'.

13 October, 2014

DWP announces new ‘Fit for Work’ service

Department says that service will start later this year to provide an occupational health assessment and health and work advice to employees, employers and GPs to help people return to or stay in work after an illness.

13 October, 2014

DWP launches £2m competition for retail and hospitality firms to increase staff earnings

Companies invited 'to develop and test ideas to help their low-paid staff to progress in their careers while benefiting their business'.

6 October, 2014

Employees taking more time off to care for children or older relatives

Guardian reports on survey by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Simplyhealth which found that one in three employers report increase in absenteeism due to employees needing time for caring responsibilities.

1 October, 2014

Further substantial increases needed to national minimum wage, says TUC

Setting out today's new rates, union says that, whilst it's good that they have risen by more than inflation for first time in six years, minimum wage would be worth at least £7 today had it kept up with rising prices.

1 October, 2014

Turning Point? The minimum wage in 2014 and beyond

New report from the Resolution Foundations that sets out the evolution of the national minimum wage (NMW) since its introduction in April 1999, looks at the rate’s real value over the intervening period and its relationship with median pay, considers the number of people affected by the NMW and the number for whom minimum wages are becoming a semi-permanent feature, and compares a range of scenarios for growth in the NMW over the course of the next parliament.

26 September, 2014

Increase in minimum wage would create jobs and boost the economy, says Unite

New report submitted to the Low Pay Commission claims that a £1.50 increase in the minimum wage is affordable in 2015 and would help 4.6 million low paid workers giving them an average net gain of £1,400 per year gross.

25 September, 2014

Legal Aid Statistics for 2013/2014

New Ministry of Justice statistics include that total of legal help matters started and civil representation certificates granted was 32 in employment cases, 2,584 in debt cases, 3,877 in community care cases and 55,943 in housing cases.

24 September, 2014

Equality Act 2010 (Equal Pay Audits) Regulations 2014

New statutory instrument requires employment tribunals to order a respondent who has been found by the tribunal to have committed an equal pay breach to carry out an equal pay audit.

23 September, 2014

Scottish Agricultural Wages Board confirms rise in minimum wage for agricultural workers

Scottish Government reports on wage rates agreed by the Wages Board on 20 August 2014, including that minimum rate of pay for agricultural workers with more than 26 weeks continuous employment will increase by 15p per hour to £7.14 from 1 October 2014.

22 September, 2014

Labour would raise national minimum wage to £8 per hour by 2020

BBC reports on election pledge by Ed Miliband ahead of his speech to the Labour Party conference tomorrow.

19 September, 2014

National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014

New regulations that take effect from 1 October 2014 and increase the minimum wage to £6.50 per hour for those aged 21 and over, £5.13 per hour for those aged 18 up to 21, and £3.79 per hour for those aged under 18.

18 September, 2014

New judicial review into employment tribunal fees to be heard in High Court

Lord Chancellor agrees with Unison that a new hearing should take place as soon as possible, in light of new evidence.

11 September, 2014

Employment tribunal appeals fall by 70 per cent compared to same period last year

Ministry of Justice publsihes new quarterly tribunals statistics.