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18 October, 2021

DWP confirms pilot of reasonable adjustments ‘passport’ to maintain record of workplace adjustments to support disabled workers

Work and Pensions Minister says pilot will help determine whether the passport reduces need for assessments where disabled person’s needs stay the same

18 October, 2021

13 October, 2021

Supreme Court rules that requirement for applicant to Employment Tribunal in Scotland to raise separate court action to freeze employer’s bank account is not contrary to EU law

Anwar (Appellant) v The Advocate General for Scotland (representing the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) (Respondent) (Scotland) [2021] UKSC 44

11 October, 2021

6 October, 2021 Open access

Scottish Government to invest £200 million in adult upskilling and retraining opportunities as part of Covid-19 recovery strategy

Funding to focus on workers in areas of economy particularly impacted by pandemic and the transition to Net Zero

4 October, 2021

27 September, 2021

Labour Party publishes employment rights green paper outlining raft of measures to increase and strengthen workers’ rights

Party's Deputy Leader and Shadow Secretary for the Future of Work also tells conference delegates that new rights, including day one entitlement to sick pay and the banning of zero hours contracts, will be signed into law ‘within first 100 days of coming into office'

27 September, 2021

24 September, 2021

Government to introduce legislation making it illegal for employers to withhold tips from workers

Measures to be included in forthcoming Employment Bill include right to see employer's tipping records and to take claim to Employment Tribunal where rules not followed

23 September, 2021

Government confirms intention to introduce entitlement to unpaid leave as a day one right for employees with caring responsibilities

Consultation response sets out key details including how eligibility will be defined, how leave can be taken and what the leave can be used for

23 September, 2021

Government launches consultation on making the right to request flexible working a day one entitlement

Business Secretary says the new right will make flexible working 'part of the DNA of businesses across the country'

21 September, 2021

21 September, 2021

20 September, 2021

17 September, 2021

16 September, 2021

Devolved governments call for UK Government to offer physical proof of immigration status to vulnerable EU citizens

Joint letter to Borders and Immigration Minister says current digital-only proof risks discrimination, making it difficult for some EU citizens to prove their status to employers and other service providers

15 September, 2021

15 September, 2021

Non-Disclosure Agreements Bill read for the first time in the House of Commons

Bill makes it a basic principle of our legal system that 'no one, however powerful, could buy an employee’s silence if there were allegations of wrongdoing in the workplace’

14 September, 2021

Labour Government would ensure rights for all workers from their first day of work including holiday pay, protection against unfair dismissal and guaranteed sick pay

Party leader’s speech to TUC Congress 2021 also commits to ‘immediately increase the minimum wage to at least £10 per hour’