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28 October, 2015

Personal insolvencies in Scotland down by a quarter since 2014

New Accountant in Bankruptcy statistics for second quarter of 205/2016 also show that the total repaid through the Debt Arrangement Scheme continues to increase.

27 October, 2015

Dollar Financial UK - whose brands include The Money Shop - to refund £15.4m to 147,000 customers

Citizens Advice highlights that the company agreed to pay compensation following a review by the Financial Conduct Authority which found that it gave loans to borrowers who in some cases could not afford to repay.

23 October, 2015

Insolvency Proceedings (Fees) (Amendment) Order 2015

New regulations that amend the Insolvency Proceedings (Fees) Order 2004 including increasing the deposit payable on presentation of a petition to the court for the winding up of a company and on presentation to the court of a petition by a creditor for individual bankruptcy.

22 October, 2015

Heavy overdraft users could save up to £260 a year by switching bank accounts

Investigation by the Competition Markets Authority finds that banks do not work hard enough to compete for customers, and recommends that they must address long-term problems and make it easier for customers to take charge of their accounts.

15 October, 2015

44 per cent of people could have benefited from money advice when seriously ill

New report from Citizens Advice reveals almost half of the adult population – over 23 million people – would have taken money advice at different key moments of their lives if they had been offered it.

12 October, 2015

Consultation launched on improving access to financial advice

HM Treasury and Financial Conduct Authority joint consultation seeks views on what can be done to 'radically improve' customers’ access to financial advice.

8 October, 2015

1.1m households had mortgage debts worth 4.5 times their income in 2013

New figures from the Office of National Statistics report that this represents 13.2 per cent of all mortgagor households.

5 October, 2015

Scottish Government commissions report into funeral poverty

Chair of the Scottish Working Group on Funeral Poverty, working with Citizens Advice Scotland, asked to look at ways of relieving the financial burden and debt that bereaved relatives and friends face when organising a funeral in Scotland.

1 October, 2015

Deregulation Act 2015 (Commencement No.3 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) Order 2015

New regulations that amend the Insolvency Act 1986 by introducing a new regime for the full and partial authorisation of insolvency practitioners, and repeal provisions which provide for a competent authority to grant, refuse or withdraw authorisation to act as an insolvency practitioner and for authorisations of nominees and supervisors in relation to voluntary arrangements.

29 September, 2015

Volatile income and insecure work pushing millions into debt

New report - Held back by Debt - shows that people who were self-employed, on zero-hours contracts or on fixed-term contracts were twice as likely to experience a change in economic circumstances in the last year as those in more traditional, permanent jobs, and that these ‘income shocks’ need to be accompanied by more comprehensive and responsive safety nets to ensure that people can cope with life’s ups and downs.

24 September, 2015

Changes to student loans will affect women and people on low incomes most, says Sutton Trust

New report also finds that government proposals to change existing loan terms will undermine trust and could prove unlawful and unenforceable if challenged.

24 September, 2015

Citizens Advice sees 21 per cent increase in young people seeking advice about debt

New report highlights increase in inquiries over last year in context of 'exploding unsecured borrowing among young people which risks trapping a new generation in problem debt'.

9 September, 2015

Law Commission launches consultation ‘to reform archaic logbook loan law’

Highlighting that the law remains unchanged since Victorian times, the Law Commission is seeking views on a list of provisional proposals including protecting borrowers from abrupt repossession, giving borrowers the right to end the logbook loan, and protecting private purchasers.

8 September, 2015

One in four people contacting Pension Wise also seek other financial advice

According to Citizens Advice, of those seeking further advice, 42 per cent wanted information about benefits and tax credits, 29 per cent about financial capability including help managing money, and 14 per cent about debt.

8 September, 2015

One in eight households in Britain are over-indebted, up from one in ten in 2012

New research, commissioned by the TUC and Unison, also shows that people who took out pay day loans in 2014 spent, on average, 30 per cent of their income repaying them – up from 12 per cent in 2012 - and that in 2014 households with store cards spent 21 per cent of their income repaying them – up from 9 per cent in 2012.

4 September, 2015

Almost 1 million people face problems with paying off capital at end of interest only mortgage

New Citizens Advice research finds that, of the 3.3 million with an interest only mortgage, 934,000 have no plan for how to repay the capital.

27 August, 2015

Councils’ use of bailiffs up by 16 per cent in last two years

New Money Advice Trust reports also highlights that council tax arrears, which account for the majority of bailiff use by local authorities, is one of the fastest growing debt types presented to National Debtline, with 24 per cent of callers in arrears in 2014, up from 14 per cent in 2007.

13 August, 2015

Competition and Markets Authority publishes final order on payday lending market

Measures include requiring online payday lenders to publish details of products on at least one comparison website and requiring online and high street payday lenders to provide existing customers with summary of cost of borrowing.

3 August, 2015

Government launches review of the financial advice market

In addition, the government says that it will consult later in the year on how the current statutory arrangements for the provision of free and impartial financial guidance - including the Money Advice Service and Pension Wise - can be made more effective.