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5 July, 2022

Money and Pensions Service outlines the next steps it will be taking to shape the future of community-based debt advice commissioning in England

First phase to gather evidence to take place over at least the next year, followed by a consultation in late 2023 and then a final mobilisation phase

5 July, 2022

Government launches call for evidence on review of personal insolvency framework in England and Wales

Views sought on issues including balance between providing debtors with fresh start and ensuring returns to creditors, and how insolvency solutions should be paid for

4 July, 2022

Scottish Government and public bodies urged to work together to develop public sector debt management strategy for Scotland

Social Justice Committee also calls for new national standards for council tax collection and for government to consider placing them on a statutory footing

30 June, 2022

More than 60,000 breathing space registrations were made in the first year of the debt respite scheme

New statistics also highlight regional variation in registrations, and that around two-thirds were made by StepChange Debt Charity

29 June, 2022

Minimum debt level that an individual must owe before a creditor can make them bankrupt in Scotland to rise to £5,000 under provisions in Bill passed by MSPs

New legislation also makes permanent the increase in the time that debtors facing bankruptcy have to seek advice without creditors pursuing their debt

24 June, 2022

Money Advice Trust calls for urgent changes to England’s council tax support and collection rules after arrears increase by more than £500 million in a year

Recommendations include ring-fencing funding for local council tax support and introducing a pre-action protocol for councils to use before progressing enforcement action

23 June, 2022

Committee of Advertising Practice warns insolvency practitioners and lead generators that they must be extremely careful to ensure their advertising is responsible and does not mislead

New Enforcement Notice outlines that debt management adverts must clearly state the risks and fees involved, and must not imply association or approval from government, charities or regulated advisory bodies

20 June, 2022

Buy Now Pay Later sector to be required to carry out affordability checks on new borrowers

Government plans outlined in response to consultation will also require lenders to be approved by the FCA, and include a new right for borrowers to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service

16 June, 2022

Government commits to reform of ‘highly prescriptive and increasingly cumbersome and inflexible’ Consumer Credit Act

Consultation on the direction of reform, that could move much of the Act from statute to sit under the remit of the FCA, is expected to be published by the end of the year

13 June, 2022

16 May, 2022

13 May, 2022

Government launches consultation on new statutory debt solution focused on the repayment of debt, rather than debt relief

New Statutory Debt Repayment Plan scheme will be available to people in England and Wales, providing a ‘more robust and effective route out of problem debt’

3 May, 2022

20 April, 2022

Money and Mental Health Policy Institute issues new guidance to help energy providers support vulnerable customers

Charity sets out four steps to help minimise distress caused by missed payments and debt

11 April, 2022

Expanded data sharing exercise between government and local authorities is enabling greater recovery rate of council tax debt

DWP says latest pilot is 'strengthening the application of attachment-of-earning orders' where deemed appropriate for debtors

8 April, 2022

Lords Select Committee draws regulations that freeze earnings repayment thresholds for student loans to the ‘special attention’ of the House

Peers raise concerns about the impact the change will have on borrowers, particularly as the government intends to maintain the freeze until 2024/2025

6 April, 2022

23 March, 2022

We Are Debt Advisers, Advice UK and Unite Debt Advisers Network issue joint call for MaPs to engage in a ‘meaningful and full consultation’ on the future of debt advice

Campaign document also call for immediate changes to debt advice contracts from April 2022 and for MaPS to 'learn the lessons' from failure of previous commissioning process

22 March, 2022

England Illegal Money Lending Team welcomes report that proposes action to address the fact that a million people are in debt to an illegal lender

CSJ report highlights emerging trends in illegal money lending and the menacing techniques and exploitative methods used by loan sharks to deceive their victims