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23 September, 2010

Recession has hit poverty and unemployment harder in Scotland than England

Scotland’s unemployment rate back to 1996 levels, reports Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

21 September, 2010

More than four in ten adults struggle to make it to payday each month

New research published against backdrop of record levels of personal insolvency.

16 September, 2010

Bill introduced to repeal the Saving Gateway Accounts Act 2009

Legislation will also abolish the health in pregnancy grant and end eligibility for child trust funds

15 September, 2010

£3.4 million boost for credit unions in Wales

Funding will enable the credit union movement to go from strength to strength in providing accessible and affordable financial services, says Social Justice Minister.

14 September, 2010

New IPPR analysis highlights rising incidence of in-work poverty

More action needed to tackle low pay, improve job quality and help parents progress in work, says Institute for Public Policy Research.

14 September, 2010

Payment by results for private sector debt collection agencies acting for HMRC

Treasury Minister highlights success of pilot exercise that demonstrated that agencies can be used cost effectively and securely.

13 September, 2010

Tens of thousands at risk of debt or homelessness as a result of proposed housing benefit cuts

Decisions on cuts have been made without considering the housing implications, says Citizens Advice

13 September, 2010

Boatwright v Boatwright

[2010] EWCA Civ 877

10 September, 2010

Home Owner and Debtor Protection (Scotland) Act 2010

New regulations issued in connection with the coming into force of the 2010 Act.

8 September, 2010

More than 800,000 households workless due to health-related reasons

Housing tenure also a key factor according to the Office for National Statistics.

7 September, 2010

2 September, 2010

Consumer Credit Counselling Service welcomes new advertising rules

New codes introduced which make it difficult for fee-charging debt management companies to mislead public by advertising their services as 'free'.

1 September, 2010

Statistics show a property is repossessed every 14 minutes

New figures released by Credit Action also highlight the average interest paid by each household on their total debt is over £2500 each year.

31 August, 2010

Bankruptcy restriction orders double in Scotland

Measure available if it is felt that bankrupt's behaviour has been dishonest in some way or there has been ‘unfit’ conduct.

31 August, 2010

Allowing contingent or ancillary charges in consumer contracts to be assessed for unfairness

Citizens Advice responds to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skill’s call for evidence on the Consumer Rights Directive.

27 August, 2010

Effectiveness of Ofwat in protecting water consumers

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs launches review of water industry regulator to ensure it is 'fit for future challenges'.

27 August, 2010

Fairness must be at the heart of budget decisions, says Equalities and Human Rights Commission

Government must consider the effect of budget cuts on vulnerable groups and decisions should be evidence-based, fair and transparent.

26 August, 2010

People with debt more likely to report more problems overall

New research published by Money Advice Trust looks at the demographics and effects of debt, the relationship with debt and other problems and the impact of debt advice.

25 August, 2010

Debt, employment disputes and housing problems spiral if left unaddressed

Citizens Advice urges government to raise service standards, and avoid hitting vulnerable hardest through rash spending cuts.