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10 November, 2010

Money Advice Trust launches new online debt advice service

Developed in partnership with Barclaycard, mymoneysteps.org will enable people to get advice in a way that suits them best, says MAT Chief Executive

10 November, 2010

Government to amend eligibility criteria relating to Debt Relief Orders from April 2011

Change will allow access to those who are currently excluded because they have certain pension rights that they cannot draw down for some years.

8 November, 2010

Government needs to go further to remedy weaknesses in financial regulation system

Citizens Advice welcomes introduction of new Consumer Protection and Markets Authority but says that plans are not a 'sufficient blueprint for a strong consumer champion'.

4 November, 2010

Imposing limits on consumer credit interest rates and charges

Proposed Consumer Credit Bill which also includes establishing a levy on credit and debit card providers to fund provision of debt advice services.

21 October, 2010

Reaction to the Spending Review

Further to yesterday's Spending Review leading organisations respond to announcements made in debt, housing and community care.

19 October, 2010

Office of Fair Trading warns consumers of ‘unenforceable debt’ claims

New guide highlights the fact that businesses are misleading consumers when they claim to be able to use sections 77/78/79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 to wipe out debts.

18 October, 2010

Government publishes responses to consultation on operation of debt management schemes

However, Ministry of Justice confirms no consensus for implementing specific changes.

18 October, 2010

Number of households in ‘fuel poverty’ has more than doubled in five years

Large number of people struggling to keep their homes warm, with average fuel bills costing more than £1,000 a year, reports Money Advice Trust.

15 October, 2010

Improving the existing consumer credit and personal insolvency regimes

Government seeking views on tackling unfair bank charges and introducing a power for a regulator to cap interest rates on credit and store cards.

7 October, 2010

Retirement home companies exploiting older people

Report published by Age UK reveals growing numbers of older people and their families are angry at service charges and unfair fees.

4 October, 2010

Applications by Creditors (Pre-Action Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2010

New legislation issued in relation to the requirement for lenders to show in court that they have considered every reasonable alternative before making an application for possession.

1 October, 2010

Home Owner and Debtor Protection (Scotland) Act 2010

New Consequential Provisions Order issued in relation to changes made by the 2010 Act.

29 September, 2010

Charities respond to OFT action on debt management

Three leading charities issue responses to Office of Fair Trading action to address problems in debt management industry

29 September, 2010

UK consumers repaying more unsecured debt than they take out

BBC reports that net consumer credit, including credit card borrowing, overdrafts and personal loans, fell by £120m last month.

28 September, 2010

Office of Fair Trading takes action to address problems in debt management industry

Misleading advertising, in particular failing to disclose a fee and misrepresenting debt management services as being free when they are not, are most significant areas of non-compliance.

24 September, 2010

Government confirms no council tax revaluation in England during lifetime of current Parliament

Exercise would be unnecessary and expensive, says Treasury Minister.

23 September, 2010

Government launches affordable loan pilot

'My Home Finance' will help the poorest access credit and advice on how to avoid unsustainable levels of debt, says Work and Pensions Secretary.

23 September, 2010

7,000 households in Northern Ireland facing mortgage shortfalls as a result of SMI changes

Advice NI warns that next month's cuts to the Support for Mortgage Interest scheme will leave many at risk of plunging into arrears.

23 September, 2010

Number of homeless households in Wales up 10 per cent on last year

Pattern likely to become more pronounced as welfare and public spending cuts start to bite, warns Shelter Cymru.