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Community care

19 November, 2014

Local Government Ombudsman highlights case where care home has not complied with its recommendation

Case involving Rooks (Care Homes) Ltd shows how information it provides can help inform people's choices about care, says Ombudsman.

14 November, 2014

Care providers must make every effort to supply vulnerable clients with same sex carers

Local government ombudsman finds that, although it is not a legal requirement to provide same sex carers, where a request is made for valid reasons, a provider should make every effort to provide same sex care, and the Equality Act 2010 allows for the recruitment of staff of a specific sex as an occupational requirement.

14 November, 2014

Spending on agency social workers has increased by a third

Investigation by Community Care finds the average spend per council on temporary agency staff is £1.8 million, although there are regional variations with many Scottish and Welsh councils reporting almost no spending on agency workers and six out of the top ten biggest spending councils being in Greater London and the home counties.

11 November, 2014

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014

New statutory instrument prescribes the kinds of activities that are regulated activities for the purposes of Part 1 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and requirements that apply in relation to the way in which those activities are carried on.

11 November, 2014

Third of councils have cut ‘meals on wheels’ altogether, says National Association of Care Catering

Guardian also reports that, according to the Association, total number of meals provided by UK meals on wheels services and lunch clubs has more than halved from 40m to 19m in the past decade.

11 November, 2014

Planning for Better Care Fund did not match scale of ambition, says National Audit Office

New report highlights that fund - which aims to deliver better, more joined-up local services to older and disabled people to keep them out of hospital and avoid long hospital stays - is expected to deliver £314m of savings for the NHS rather than the £1bn in early planning assumptions.

10 November, 2014

Department of Health consults on revised autism strategy

View sought on draft statutory guidance for local authorities and NHS organisations to support implementation of 'Think Autism' which is the update to the 2010 adult autism strategy.

6 November, 2014

Care and Support (Independent Advocacy Support) (No. 2) Regulations 2014

New statutory instrument makes provision in relation to duty on local authorities to arrange for an independent advocate to be available to represent and support certain persons for the purpose of facilitating those persons’ involvement in the exercise of functions by local authorities.

6 November, 2014

Health Select Committee launches inquiry into end of life care

Committee to examine the way that health and social care services, and the voluntary and community sector, support people who are likely to die within 12 months, what opportunities exist for better integration and for improving care quality, and the experience of those caring for people at the end of life.

5 November, 2014

Prosecutions double for abuse or neglect of people who lack capacity

In 2013/2014, 349 charges were made and reached a first magistrates’ court hearing in England and Wales in relation to the offences of carer ill-treatment or wilful neglect under section 44 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, up from 168 in 2012-13.

5 November, 2014

Huge increase in deprivation of liberty applications following Supreme Court judgment

New statistics from the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that there were 31,300 deprivation of liberty applications made in the second quarter of 2014/2015, compared to 22,800 in the first quarter, and just 12,500 in the whole of 2013/2014.

5 November, 2014

Minimum hourly rate for home care services must increase so that providers can meet minimum wage

New report from the United Kingdom Home Care Association recommends that councils should pay a minimum of £15.74 per hour for home care services - an increase of 55p per hour - in order to cover the costs of the workforce allowing full compliance with the national minimum wage including the time spent travelling between service users' homes.

4 November, 2014

Right to complain to Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about social services and palliative care

Welsh Government highlights new right, from 1 November 2014, for those who fund their own social services or palliative care in Wales.

3 November, 2014

Councils and NHS commissioners move extra £1.5bn into Better Care Fund

Community Care reports on announcement by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt of increase in pooled resource for integrated health and social care services.

3 November, 2014

Chancellor announces devolution of powers to Greater Manchester from 2017

Written statement to parliament today sets out powers for newly elected Mayor including control of a £300m Housing Investment Fund and invitation to develop a business plan for the integration of health and social care across Greater Manchester.

31 October, 2014

Care and Support (Direct Payments) Regulations 2014

New regulations that make provision as to who is not permitted to have their needs met by direct payments and as to conditions which must or may apply in relation to the making of direct payments including the steps a local authority must take before making a direct payment in respect of a person who lacks the capacity to request that their needs are met by the making of a direct payment.

30 October, 2014

Care and Support (Sight-impaired and Severely Sight-impaired Adults) Regulations 2014

New regulations specify the persons who are to be treated as being sight-impaired and severely sight-impaired for the purposes of section 77 of the Care Act 2014 which sets out the requirement on local authorities to establish and maintain a register of adults who are ordinarily resident in their area and are sight-impaired or severely sight-impaired.

30 October, 2014

Care and Support (Preventing Needs for Care and Support) Regulations 2014

New regulations make provision, under section 2 of the Care Act 2014, for when a local authority can make a charge for the provision of services, facilities and resources, including requirement for a local authority to provide or arrange for the provision of services, facilities or resources (or take other steps) which it considers will contribute towards preventing, delaying or reducing the needs for care and support of adults or for support in relation to carers.

30 October, 2014

Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014

New regulations make provision for limitations on local authority powers to make a charge for meeting needs under section 14 of the Care Act 2014 and in relation to financial assessments for the purposes of section 17 of the Act.