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Community care

28 January, 2015

BBC launches new ‘care calculator’ for the over-65s

New online guide covers both residential and home care and provides information on the differences in provision in four nations since devolution.

28 January, 2015

Ombudsman warns of the risk of determining mental capacity without proper assessment

Local Government Ombudsman reminder to social workers following investigation which found that a man had been forced to live in a care home against his wishes and without sufficient evidence of going through the proper process.

28 January, 2015

Care costs will force councils to cut other services, warns Local Government Association

New analysis finds that councils will have to find £1.1bn from other services to continue protecting adult social care spending, following the £900m taken from other services to support adult social care last year.

28 January, 2015

27 January, 2015

Ed Miliband sets out Labour Party plans to increase home care

BBC reports party leader as saying that, if elected, Labour would recruit 5,000 extra home care workers to treat terminally ill people at home and introduce financial incentives for social care workers to spend more than 15 minutes on home visits.

21 January, 2015

Ministers approve extra £25m for social care to tackle delayed hospital discharge

Guardian reports that special ministerial committee convened to stop NHS from going into 'full-blown winter crisis' has agreed funding to be spent by March in 65 local authorities.

21 January, 2015

Amount spent on social care for elderly has fallen by £1.1bn since 2010/2011, says Age UK

New research also shows that there are 900,000 older people between 65 and 89 who have unmet need for social care.

20 January, 2015

Scottish Government announces extra £100m funding to avoid delayed hospital discharge

Further funding to be used over three years to support health boards and local authorities deliver good quality care and support for people at home or in a homely setting so as to prevent hospital admissions or delayed discharge.

16 January, 2015

Guidance on how practitioners should apply deprivation of liberty ‘acid test’ to palliative care

Letter from Niall Fry, Department of Health Mental Capacity Act policy lead, outlines how the 'acid test' set out in the Supreme Court ruling in Cheshire West - Is the person subject to continuous supervision and control? Is the person free to leave? - should apply to palliative care arrangements.

16 January, 2015

Revised code of practice for Mental Health Act 1983

Due to come into force on 1 April 2015 the code has been revised to take account of stakeholders’ views from the consultation, and reflects changes in legislation, case law, policy and professional practice since its last revision in 2008

15 January, 2015

Guide to the Care Act 2014 and the implications for providers

New guide that aims to provide general information to providers about the content of the Care Act 2014, the general principle of continuity for April 2015, the exceptions and new provisions which are implemented, ending with general implications for providers.

14 January, 2015

Future of the care sector

Introducing a parliamentary debate yesterday, Paul Burstow MP calls for flexible working for carers, a living wage for care workers, and improvements to their working conditions, status and training.

14 January, 2015

Labour sets out plans for support for family carers

Package of measures include: a duty on the NHS to identify family carers; a single point of contact with care services for families caring for people with the greatest needs; ring-fencing funding for carers' breaks; consulting with employers, trade unions and carers organisations on how to improve flexible working for family carers; including family carers in the groups who can be eligible for hospital car parking concessions; and abolishing the bedroom tax.

13 January, 2015

Consultation on draft adult safeguarding policy in Northern Ireland

Views sought on policy which aims to improve safeguarding arrangements for adults who are at risk of harm from abuse, exploitation or neglect, thereby reducing the prevalence of harm and providing adults at risk of harm with effective support and, where necessary, protective responses, including access to justice.

13 January, 2015

Cuts to social care and pressures on NHS may be contributing to earlier deaths

Public Health England has announced it is scrutinising life expectancy trends following an alert from Blackburn with Darwen Council that it had seen a 'sustained reduction' in life expectancy at 85 in its area, and that possible explanations for the decline include government cuts to councils’ social care budgets, a lack of capacity in the GP sector or pressure on hospitals.

12 January, 2015

Welsh Government announces first awards from £10m Communities Facilities Programme

Programme, which provides money for projects to tackle poverty in Wales, awards homeless charity Emmaus £500,000 to provide accommodation and support for homeless people in Bridgend and awards Canolfan Deulu Dolgellau £138,230 to turn a derelict hall in the town into a family centre.

8 January, 2015

At least 80 per cent of social workers believe that stress affecting ability to work

Results of survey by Community Care also include that a third of social workers are using alcohol and 17 per cent are using prescription drugs such as anti-depressants to cope with stress.

8 January, 2015

Cuts to social care leading to ‘bed blocking’, say NHS managers

Survey carried out by Guardian reveals that 10 per cent of hospital beds occupied by patients who are fit to leave if they had social care at home.

5 January, 2015

Emphasis on doing minimum necessary in Welsh social care law is ‘profoundly wrong’

Community Care article by Professor Luke Clements discusses provisions introduced by Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.