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Community care

15 November, 2011

Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2011

New regulations amend Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 by requiring that the design and manufacture of badges must comply with substantially more sophisticated technical requirements, designed to mitigate risk of forgery.

11 November, 2011

High court rules local authority’s care cuts are unlawful

Isle of Wight Council's plans would have meant that only vulnerable adults assessed as critical or at risk of becoming critical would qualify for assistance.

11 November, 2011

Government confirms plan to publish social care white paper in the Spring

Social care has languished in the 'too-difficult-to-do' box for far too long, says Minister in Westminster hall debate.

3 November, 2011

Abuse of vulnerable adults in care and domestic homes

New report published by NHS shows that 42 per cent of alleged abuse takes place in vulnerable adult's own home.

2 November, 2011

Call for amendments to Health and Social Care Bill to meet needs of homeless

Homeless people are more likely to have poor physical and mental health, yet they are often overlooked in decision making processes which inform health commissioning, says Homeless Link.

31 October, 2011

Poorest with mental health problems failed by care in the community

Decision to close mental hospitals and treat patients in community has failed to help most vulnerable, according to new report published by the Centre for Social Justice, the think tank founded by Iain Duncan Smith.

28 October, 2011

Annual budgets for social care for over 65s fallen by £1.3bn since 2010

Government figures show a cut of nearly a fifth to local authority support for most vulnerable, reports guardian.co.uk.

28 October, 2011

Care Quality Commission (Membership) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

New regulations makes changes to the Care Quality Commission (Membership) Regulations 2008 including a change to the number of members.

26 October, 2011

88 per cent of councils acknowledge that housing support cuts will ‘put vulnerable people at risk’

New report published by Local Government Information Unit and Circle Housing Group examines cuts to 'Supporting People' budgets.

25 October, 2011

Families in Wales forced to sell homes to pay for care fees

Number of people qualifying for continuing care nursing home funding has dropped by 7 per cent since a new assessment process was introduced, reports BBC Wales.

21 October, 2011

Resource to assist health and wellbeing boards

Local Government Association 'Healthy Communities' programme launches new resource aimed at those involved in setting up and running health and wellbeing boards.

20 October, 2011

Think Local Act Personal social care resources

Organisation publishes series of papers that share learning, provide advice and highlight the need for simplicity and clarity around personal budgets.

20 October, 2011

Early experiences of personal budget holders

Department of Health publishes fourth interim report which interviews budget holders about their experiences of personal health budgets after three months.

19 October, 2011

Emphasis on providing personal budgets for all risks excluding those with complex needs

New report published by Demos shows that personal budgets may not be most effective way to provide personalisation for groups including people with palliative care needs, or with reduced capacity.

19 October, 2011

Adult social care excellence award will not go ahead

Care Quality Commission consultation responses showed enthusiasm for concept of award, but lack of support for details of how it would be implemented.

18 October, 2011

New framework for social work development

Social Work Reform Board has agreed new framework for continuing professional development of social workers, reports Community Care.

18 October, 2011

General Social Care Council to close at end of July 2012

Regulatory functions will transfer to Health and Care Professions Council, reports Department of Health in update of Arm's Length Bodies review.

17 October, 2011

Research into older people’s experiences of support based on mutuality and reciprocity

New Joseph Rowntree Foundation report explores alternative approaches to planning, funding and providing long term care for older people with high support needs.

17 October, 2011

New funding for volunteering in health and social care

Government announces £2.6m funding available to projects that meet one of four key themes including, improving health and social care and delivering better health outcomes.