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Community care

9 August, 2013

Increasing numbers have support and services for care needs provided through ‘self-directed support’

However fewer people overall are receiving care and support from adult social services 'due to demographic pressures and financial restraint', according to new report from the Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care programme.

8 August, 2013

Disability Action launches ‘Age No Barrier’ project for over 65s in Northern Ireland

Project to offer information, advice and support about benefits and services, help and support to use IT, as well as encouraging over 65s to be volunteer peer advocates for other older people.

7 August, 2013

Direct payments, personal budgets and individual budgets

Community Care article provides an expert guide to the above parts of the personalisation agenda, which gives service users choice and control over their care and support.

1 August, 2013

Liverpool City Council failed to pay foster carers the national minimum fostering allowance.

Local Government Ombudsman’s investigation finds that the Council had 'for years' underpaid over 300 foster carers and special guardians.

19 July, 2013

Efficiency savings in adult social care becoming harder to identify

New Local Government Association report also says that focusing on helping people to continue living in their own homes is one of the keys to creating a sustainable care system.

19 July, 2013

Audit Commission analysis of cost of social care for older people

New briefing shows how much councils spend on different services and how well their costs and performance compares with other similar organisations.

18 July, 2013

Government outlines plans for capped funding system to help people plan for the cost of care

Proposals will protect people’s savings and homes from unlimited care costs and allow them to financially plan for the first time, says Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb.

17 July, 2013

Guardian and Department of Education survey on how homecare can be improved

Results of survey to form part of joint 'homecare innovation challenge' that aims to tackle the problems of the homecare sector and transform the service.

17 July, 2013

New CommunityCare and Unison survey on violence against social workers and care staff

Third annual survey to see whether levels of violence have changed from the figures recorded last year (where 94 per cent of social workers reported having been abused in some way).

17 July, 2013

Care and support for older people with high support needs

New Joseph Rowntree report provides practical guidance for commissioners of older people’s services on the range of models and approaches available

4 July, 2013

Closure of nine Remploy factories announced

Oral statement to parliament today by Minister for Disabled People about five remaining factories in Scotland and packaging factories in Norwich, Portsmouth, Burnley and Sunderland.

3 July, 2013

Over 65s need more information to aid independent living

Age UK survey finds 20 per cent of over 65s cited a lack of available information on independence aids for the home, highlighting a lack of access and understanding of services in their local area.

28 June, 2013

£2 billion transfer from NHS to social care is a step in the right direction, says LGA

However, transfer announced in the Comprehensive Spening Round does not disguise the fact that cuts to council funding are having a severe impact on local services, says Chair of Local Government Association.

28 June, 2013

Welsh government sets out plans to strengthen the regulation of social services in Wales

Plans outlined by Deputy Minister for Social Services include a new college of social care and a shift to measuring outcomes rather than minimum standards.

28 June, 2013

Government publishes draft national eligibility criteria for adult care and support

Discussion document sets out Department of Health's plan for a new national minimum threshold for eligibility criteria for adult care and support.

27 June, 2013

Department of Health publishes final report into Winterbourne View

Programme of action to include that each area will have a joint plan, by April 2014, ensuring quality care and support services for all people with learning disabilities or autism and mental health conditions or behaviour described as challenging.

27 June, 2013

‘A Matter of Time: the rise of zero-hours contracts’

Resolution Foundation report estimates 150,000 home care workers currently employed on zero-hour contracts

26 June, 2013

Spending Round 2013: Limit on residential care costs

Government to provide £335m to local authorities in 2015/2016 to prepare for delivery of the capped costs system from April 2016 and a universal offer of deferred payment agreements from April 2015 (paragraph 1.33).

26 June, 2013

Spending Round 2013: Health and social care budget

Government to put £3.8bn into a pooled budget for health and social care services to work more closely together in local areas, in order to deliver better services to older and disabled people (paragraph 1.30).