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Community care

12 May, 2014

Local Government Ombudsman and Care Quality Commission transfer information about care complaints

Under new arrangement, each organisation will automatically transfer complaints or queries about social care that should be directed to the other body.

12 May, 2014

Small percentage likely to reach new social care cap

New report by Institute and Faculty of Actuaries finds that just 8 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women entering care aged 85 today are likely to reach the new social care cap that is being introduced in 2016.

8 May, 2014

‘NHS commitment to carers’ published

Carers Trust and Carers UK welcome pledge, launched yesterday at Carers UK's annual 'State of Caring' conference.

8 May, 2014

Care Bill amendment gives additional Human Rights protection to people receiving care in own home

Government amendment to Care Bill, closing loophole excluding those who receive care at home which is publicly arranged or funded, passed by House of Lords yesterday.

7 May, 2014

Care agencies ‘must ensure recruits can speak English’

Dr Shereen Hussein, scientific adviser to the Department of Health, says that poor language skills could lead to bad care and abuse.

6 May, 2014

New care workers will have to earn training certicate within 12 weeks of starting job

BBC reports on scheme to be introduced from March 2015 in England following last year's independent review of care staff training and support.

2 May, 2014

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 gets Royal Assent

New legislation designed to 'transform the way social services are delivered, promoting people’s independence to give them a stronger voice and more control' and to 'encourage a renewed focus on prevention and early intervention'.

29 April, 2014

Independent living fund code of practice relaunched

New code of practice issued to support the effective transfer of independent living fund users to sole local authority support from July 2015.

29 April, 2014

Scottish government publishes statistics on cost of free personal and nursing care

New report shows that cost of providing personal care services to older people in their own homes has more than doubled in the last eight years reflecting the increasing proportion of older people being cared for at home, rather than in hospital or care homes.

28 April, 2014

Government publishes guide to the Independent Living Fund closure programme

Guide sets out the closure programme in 6 stages to 'help make it clear what will happen throughout the closure programme and how you can best prepare'.

24 April, 2014

Care Bill amendment to give additional Human Rights protection to people receiving care in own home

Guardian reports on 'U turn' following campaign by pressure groups for elderly people and Liberal Democrats.

24 April, 2014

Number of older people needing care to outstrip the number of adult children able to provide it

New report from the IPPR, published today, highlights the need to review the way 'social care' is provided.

17 April, 2014

Pay, conditions and care quality in residential, nursing and domiciliary services

New JRF report examines the relationship between pay and conditions for workers in residential, nursing and domiciliary care services and the quality of care experienced by people using the service.

14 April, 2014

Scottish Independent Living Fund to replace current UK scheme from June 2015

Scottish Government announces £5.5m investment in new scheme to continue support when UK Independent Living Fund closes.

7 April, 2014

Skill for Care and National Skills Academy for Social Care to merge

Community Care reports that two adult social care workforce development agencies to combine by end of May.

4 April, 2014

Court of Protection clarifies that social workers can submit evidence of mental capacity

Revised COP3 form confirms that courts will accept assessments from social workers as evidence when considering people's mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

3 April, 2014

Royal assent for ‘Integration Bill’ in Scotland

Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act designed to provide for more joined-up and seamless health and social care provision.

3 April, 2014

Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England publishes interim report

Commission says it believes England needs a single health and social care system, with a ring-fenced, singly commissioned budget, and more closely aligned entitlements.

1 April, 2014

Self-directed Support Act comes into force in Scotland

New legislation places duties on local authorities in Scotland to offer people who are assessed as needing social care the option of designing their own care package.