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Community care

9 October, 2014

Care Quality Commission launches new model for inspection based on ‘mum test’

Inspection teams to consider whether adult social care and care homes are services that they would be happy for someone they love and care for to use.

7 October, 2014

Welsh Government consults on plans to support Independent Living Fund recipients when fund closes

Views sought on a range of options for providing support after 30 June 2015 that include passing responsibility and funding to local authorities to establishing a Welsh fund similar to the current Independent Living Fund.

6 October, 2014

Employees taking more time off to care for children or older relatives

Guardian reports on survey by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Simplyhealth which found that one in three employers report increase in absenteeism due to employees needing time for caring responsibilities.

6 October, 2014

‘Sandwich generation’ say choosing care for older relative is one of life’s most stressful events

Care Quality Commission survey of those caring for both older relatives and children finds that 84 per cent describe choosing care as 'very stressful' or 'quite stressful', ranking it higher than divorce, separation, choosing a school or buying a house.

6 October, 2014

NHS and care services ‘are at breaking point’, say leading professionals

Letter to Independent highlights problems due to lack of funding including that 'families continue to be crippled by the cost of care, and thousands of elderly and vulnerable people are not getting the help they need and deserve just to live their daily lives safely and with dignity'.

3 October, 2014

Councils need to consider impact on existing users when changing the way they commission care

Local Government Ombudsman reminds local authorities that they cannot significantly change contractual funding arrangements for current care home residents because they alter the way they commission care.

2 October, 2014

Government announces £1m fund for social action projects to support people at the end of life

Cabinet Office says that successful applicants will build on existing ways that volunteers improve the experience of people at end of life and their families by: reducing isolation; meeting emotional needs; and maintaining connections with networks in the local community.

1 October, 2014

Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges (Scotland) Act 2014

Act making provision about badges for display on motor vehicles used by disabled persons in Scotland receives Royal Assent.

1 October, 2014

Surge in requests for deprivation of liberty assessments following Supreme Court ruling in March

BBC reports that have been 33,476 requests for deprivation of liberty assessments in England and Wales since April 2014 compared to 8,602 during 2013/2014 and, in addition, 50.2 per cent of assessments have breached legal timescales so far this year compared to just 2.2 per cent in 2013/2014.

25 September, 2014

Legal Aid Statistics for 2013/2014

New Ministry of Justice statistics include that total of legal help matters started and civil representation certificates granted was 32 in employment cases, 2,584 in debt cases, 3,877 in community care cases and 55,943 in housing cases.

22 September, 2014

Government launches Carers Social Action Support Fund

Cabinet Office sets out details of £1m fund designed to support 'inspiring social action projects that support unpaid family carers'.

18 September, 2014

Care Act 2014 (Commencement No.2) Order 2014

New regulations that bring into force certain provisions of the Care Act 2014 relating to care and support, care standards, health and social care.

17 September, 2014

King’s Fund sets out health and social care priorities for next government

Essential that politicians are honest with public about scale of challenges in context of unprecedented funding squeeze, says charity.

16 September, 2014

Health Select Committee launches inquiry into public expenditure on health and social care

View sought on issues including 'the consequences of continuing the current financial squeeze on services for the people who depend on them'.

15 September, 2014

DCLG consults on changes to planning procedures and guidance in relation to travellers sites

Consultation seeks views on measures designed to 'ensure that the planning system applies fairly and equally to both the settled community and travellers; strengthen protection of our sensitive areas and the green belt; and deal with the negative effects of unauthorised occupation of land'.

15 September, 2014

Department of Health consults on introduction of visible ratings for health and care providers

Consultation on new measures that would make it a legal requirement for providers to display the performance rating given to them by the Care Quality Commission.

15 September, 2014

Cuts forcing councils to limit social care,  says Association of Directors of Adult Social Services

BBC reports Association Director David Pearson as saying that the scale of reductions in adult care spending, which amount to some £3.5bn in the past three years, 'really does raise issues concerning the long-term sustainability of our services unless new money is introduced shortly'.

12 September, 2014

Six in ten carers have reached breaking point, says Carer’s UK

New research also finds that a quarter of carers require medical treatment as a result of the stress and effort involved in caring, 63 per cent suffered depression and 79 per cent reported anxiety.

10 September, 2014

People with dementia, their carers and families shoulder two-thirds of the cost themselves.

New research from the Alzheimer's Society shows that 'dementia tax' can amount to as much as £21,000 per person.