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Community care

30 October, 2014

Care and Support and After-care (Choice of Accommodation) Regulations 2014

New regulations make provision in relation to the obligation under the Care Act 2014 that, where an adult’s needs are to be met by the provision of specified types of accommodation, and the adult has expressed a preference for particular accommodation of that type, the local authority must meet the adult’s preference, provided that specified conditions are met.

30 October, 2014

Carers strategy: the second national action plan 2014 to 2016

Policy paper from the Department of Health explains the progress on supporting carers since 2010 and explains the main actions for the next two years.

30 October, 2014

93 per cent of councils in England and Wales don’t require that homecare providers pay travel time

Of the 98 per cent of councils that responded to a Freedom of Information request by Unison, 79 per cent admitted that they have never asked to see pay records or other written evidence about the pay of care workers employed by care providers they commission, in order to check National Minimum Wage compliance.

29 October, 2014

Over a third of social workers feel their caseload is unsafe, according to Community Care

New research also shows that most social workers (66 per cent) said their caseload had gone up this year, with 30 per cent saying it had increased a lot, and 36 per cent reporting a small increase.

29 October, 2014

Care and Support (Personal Budget: Exclusion of Costs) Regulations 2014

New statutory instrument provides that a local authority must exclude costs of meeting needs from a person’s personal budget in certain circumstances if the costs are incurred in meeting needs by the provision to the person of intermediate care and reablement support services.

29 October, 2014

28 October, 2014

DWP launches ‘Accessible Technology Prize’

Entrepreneurs invited to submit ideas for technological adaptations to help disabled people and their families lead more independent lives, with prizes totalling £400,000.

28 October, 2014

DWP publishes independent living fund user analysis

New statistics, for period up to September 2014, on numbers of individual users receiving a payment by local authority area, together with totals for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

27 October, 2014

Care and Support (Disputes Between Local Authorities) Regulations 2014

New regulations set out the procedures to be followed when disputes arise between local authorities regarding a person’s ordinary residence under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, or about the application of sections 37 (continuity of care and support – notification and assessment) or 48 (provider failure – temporary duty on local authority) of that Act.

27 October, 2014

Care and Support (Ordinary Residence) (Specified Accommodation) Regulations 2014

New regulations specify and define three types of accommodation for the purposes of establishing an adult’s ordinary residence in a case where an adult is living in accommodation of a specified type: care home accommodation, shared lives scheme accommodation and supported living accommodation.

27 October, 2014

Care and Support (Continuity of Care) Regulations 2014

New regulations set out matters that local authority must take into account in carrying out duty to provide care for someone who has just moved into area on same basis as previous authority.

27 October, 2014

Care and Support (Independent Advocacy Support) Regulations 2014

New regulations make provision in relation to duty on local authorities to arrange for an independent advocate to be available to represent and support certain persons for the purpose of facilitating those persons’ involvement in the exercise of functions by local authorities.

23 October, 2014

Department of Health publishes response to consultation on draft Care Act regulations

In addition, Department provides proposed final version of regulations that will form the basis for the new legal framework ahead of implementation in April 2015.

23 October, 2014

Department of Health publishes statutory guidance on Care Act 2014

New guidance sets out how Act will work in practice when the first phase of the reforms comes into effect next year.

17 October, 2014

One in five nursing homes too short-staffed to ensure safe care

Report from the Care Quality Commission says recruitment of nurses to social care should be a ‘priority’ and points to figures from Skills for Care showing that nurses in social care had the highest turnover rate - 32 per cent - of all social care roles.

14 October, 2014

Young people leaving care often live in unsafe housing, move frequently, and experience homelessness

New report from Action for Children calls on all political parties to prioritise the emotional and mental health of children in care and care leavers, keep children safe when they return to their family after care, and to not give up on young people when their lives are at their most challenging.

13 October, 2014

Care Quality Commission highlights unacceptable variations in care for those with dementia

Report, published today, finds that the gap in the quality of care means it is likely that someone living with dementia will experience poor care as they move between care homes and hospitals.

13 October, 2014

Consultations on Draft Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services

Department of Health seeks views on what social workers who work with adults need to know and be able to do at the end of their first year in practice.

9 October, 2014

The Council Tax (Chargeable Dwellings) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2014

New statutory instrument makes amendments with the effect that a refuge in Wales must be treated as one dwelling for the purpose of council tax provision, even if the property comprises more than one self-contained unit.