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Community care

9 December, 2015

Vital care services ‘remain at risk’ after Autumn Statement

BBC reports on letter to Chancellor from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Care Provider Alliance and the NHS Confederation expressing concern that measures in Autumn Statement will leave a funding gap and put vulnerable people at risk.

7 December, 2015

Care and Support (Provision of Health Services) (Wales) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument makes provision in relation to the power for a local authority to arrange for the provision of accommodation together with nursing care by a registered nurse if consent is obtained from the relevant Local Health Board in the case of accommodation in Wales, or the relevant clinical commissioning group in the case of accommodation in England

7 December, 2015

Care and Support (Business Failure) (Wales) Regulations 2015

New statutory instrument set out provisions in relation to duty on local authorities in Wales to meet care and support needs of adults, or support needs of carers, where registered providers of care are unable to carry on because of 'business failure'.

7 December, 2015

Spending review ‘represents another setback for people who need social care’

Letter to Guardian from Chief Executives of Nuffield Trust and King's Fund warns that new powers to raise council tax to pay for social care will not raise as much as the government suggests and, given wide variations in how much councils can raise through their tax base, will disadvantage deprived areas with high needs for publicly funded care.

4 December, 2015

‘Hospice at home’ services to be expanded throughout Wales

The Welsh Government has announced that it will be investing £455,000 this year in the scheme - which delivers high quality palliative and end of life care to people in or close to their own homes - and has earmarked £910,000 funding for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.

3 December, 2015

Health and social care integration in Scotland faces major challenges

New report from Audit Scotland reviews the progress made to establish new integration authorities, which will be responsible for planning joint health and social care services and managing budgets totalling over £8 billion by 1 April 2016, and highlights risks that need addressing including difficulties with agreeing budgets, complex governance arrangements, and workforce planning.

3 December, 2015

Extra Care Housing in Wales: A state of the nation report

New report from Housing LIN Cymru sets out evidence that extra care housing improves the health and wellbeing of residents; benefits local communities by offering employment and freeing up family housing; and reduces demand for health and social care services, and makes recommendations to ensure that extra care housing is a central plank of housing policies and provision for older people in the future.

2 December, 2015

Care Act reforms highlight increasing cost pressures on councils, say MPs

New Public Accounts Committee report raises fresh concerns over the funding and provision of public services.

1 December, 2015

Transition between hospital and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs

New guidance published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence aims to improve people's experience of admission to, and discharge from, hospital by better coordination of health and social care services.

30 November, 2015

Power to increase council tax to pay for social care will lead to ‘postcode lottery’

Guardian reports on Local Government Association's warning that power to increase council tax by 2 per cent, announced in Autumn Statement, will benefit local authorities with higher property prices much more than those in poorer areas.

25 November, 2015

Health and social care to be integrated by 2020

Autumn Statement announces that by 2020 health and social care will be integrated across the country and that every part of the country must have a plan for this in 2017 (paragraph 1.112).

25 November, 2015

Funding for Better Care Fund to be worth £1.5bn in 2019/2020

Autumn Statement announces that from 2017 the government will make funding available to local government, worth £1.5 billion in 2019-2020, to be included in the Better Care Fund (paragraph 1.111).

25 November, 2015

Dilnot reforms to social care to be implemented from April 2020

Autumn Statement confirms that cap on reasonable care costs and extension of means tested support will be introduced and funded from April 2020 (paragraph 1.110).

25 November, 2015

£500m to be provided by 2019/2020 for the Disabled Facilities Grant

Autumn Statement announces funding for home adaptations which is expected to prevent 8,500 people from needing to go into a care home in 2019/2020 (paragraph 1.109)

25 November, 2015

Local authorities to be able to raise extra 2 per cent in council tax to pay for social care

Autumn Statement announces new 'social care precept' to give local authorities who are responsible for social care the ability to raise new funding to spend exclusively on adult social care (paragraph 1.107).

23 November, 2015

Local Government Ombudsman criticises care home for refusing to refund wrongly charged fees

Today's public notice highlights failings of Kent care provider which refused to repay £6,500 to family of former resident after it wrongly charged a retrospective ‘top up’ fee covering a period during which the local council paid for his care.

23 November, 2015

Chancellor to allow council tax rises of 2 per cent to go towards social care funding

Guardian reports on measure expected to be announced in Autumn Statement on Wednesday.

23 November, 2015

Charities warn that half of care homes will close due to funding gap of £2.9bn by 2020

Observer reports on joint letter from 15 social care and older people’s groups highlighting 'devastating financial collapse' facing social care if funding is not increased.

20 November, 2015

Half of carers may be missing out on vital support

New research from Carers UK found that half of the carers they surveyed, who provide 35 hours or more care a week, have not had a Carer’s Assessment from their local authority.