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Community care

2 December, 2010

Welsh ministers welcome publication of Commission on Social Services report

Findings of report chime with what we are trying to deliver, fostering and developing closer working to sustain and improve local services, says First Minister.

30 November, 2010

Ministry of Justice eager to hear views of those who use HMCS and the Tribunals Service

Consultation on proposal to create a unified Courts and Tribunal Service.

29 November, 2010

26 November, 2010

Carers UK responds to government’s launch of a refresh of the national Carers Strategy

Success rests on good investment and if local authorities pass on cuts to care and support services many of the welcome measures in the Strategy will be undermined.

25 November, 2010

Recognised, valued and supported: next steps for the Carers Strategy

Department of Health sets out the government's priorities for carers and identifies actions that will be taken over the next four years to ensure best possible outcomes.

25 November, 2010

Councils maintain high standards of adult social care

Of the 152 councils responsible for adult social care services in England, 95% are performing well or excellently, says the Care Quality Commission.

24 November, 2010

Local delivery of joined-up services for older people

New DWP research that builds on lessons learnt from LinkAge Plus.

18 November, 2010

Improving care for people with long term conditions

Department of Health publishes series of information sheets covering a range of topics including personalised care planning and care co-ordination.

17 November, 2010

Counsel and Care welcomes government’s vision for care and support

Plans will enable older people to feel the direct benefits of personalisation with greater freedom and control over their care and support.

17 November, 2010

Carers UK responds to announcement of £400m in new funding for carers breaks

Charity welcomes funding to enable people to take breaks from caring, but believes the money should be used innovatively to ensure that families get support which fits their needs.

16 November, 2010

Everyone eligible will get a personal budget for care by 2013

Department of Health publishes government’s plans for adult social care.

16 November, 2010

Four times as many young carers in the UK than officially recognised

New BBC research reveals that 8% of those who responded carried out personal care within the last month.

12 November, 2010

Inquiry into home care of older people - call for evidence

Equality and Human Rights Commission seeks views on the how the human rights of older people are respected in home care.

10 November, 2010

Funding of up to £1 billion confirmed to ‘improve joint working between health and social care’

More detail on investment, that includes up to £300 million per annum for 'reablement', to be published alongside the 2011-12 NHS operating framework.

9 November, 2010

Government department business plans published on ‘transparency database’

Plans for next four years, including those for Department for Communities and Local Government and Department of Health.

9 November, 2010

Improvement in adult social care services

Care Quality Commission data shows that services have improved significantly since 2008 but that further growth in market is needed.

5 November, 2010

Local councils given ‘green light’ by courts to cut social care services

Court of Appeal's judgment in McDonald could affect services to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable adults, reports guardian.co.uk.

5 November, 2010

Bringing adult social care workers into the big society

Health Secretary announces that independent 'Social Work Practice' pilots to be extended to adult social care.

5 November, 2010

Care Quality Commission to no longer conduct annual performance assessments of councils

New approach will see a shift towards more sector-led assessment, with councils holding greater responsibility for driving improvement.