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Community care

16 June, 2011

Implications of health and social care reforms on voluntary and community sector

The Kings Fund publication considers opportunities and challenges, including ensuring that commissioning consortia and health and wellbeing boards are required to engage with the sector.

16 June, 2011

30 per cent of people eligible for social care support now receive personal budgets

Survey by Association of Directors of Adult Social Services also shows that nearly all of the increase has been in ‘managed’ personal budgets, with no significant increase in direct payments numbers.

15 June, 2011

15 June, 2011

Social Care professionals to be involved in commissioning of healthcare

Government accepts recommendations of NHS Future Forum and publishes key changes to Health and Social Care Bill.

13 June, 2011

NHS Future Forum publishes key recommendations to government on future for NHS modernisation

Forum highlights that pace of change should be determined by what is in best interests of quality and safety and therefore the best interests of patients.

10 June, 2011

7 June, 2011

Care for older people is top priority for Scottish government

Scottish Health Secretary 'determined to deliver high quality and compassionate care services to ensure older people are treated with dignity and respect'.

2 June, 2011

Councils need to do more to achieve adult social care savings and improve care

Audit Commission publishes briefing which examines value for money in health and social care.

1 June, 2011

Healthcare groups warn over care reform delays

Charities, think tanks, local councils and health insurance firms have sent an open letter to the main political parties setting out their views.

31 May, 2011

800,000 people who need care receive no formal support

New report published by Age UK also shows that, by 2014, £250m less will be spent on older people’s care than a decade previously.

27 May, 2011

Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

New statutory instrument that extends the description of persons to whom a disabled person’s badge may be issued to include qualifying children between the ages of 2 and 3 and qualifying recipients of a specified benefit under the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) Order 2011.

25 May, 2011

Councils making slow progress on personalisation

39 per cent of respondents to Community Care and UNISON research believed that their local authority would fail to meet government target.

23 May, 2011

Reaction to High Court decision in adult social care

Leading organisations issue responses to High Court ruling that local authority's decision to raise eligibility threshold for social care from 'substantial' to 'critical' was unlawful.

20 May, 2011

18 May, 2011

Basic human rights still not being met by current UK care system

Joseph Rowntree Foundation launches new book that examines personalisation and person - centred support from perspectives of service users, carers, practitioners and managers.

18 May, 2011

Public wants clear message from government on how much they will have to pay for care

However research published by the Commission on Funding of Care and Support also shows that majority of people believe both the government and the the individual have a responsibility to contribute to long-term care costs.

17 May, 2011

Government to make Safeguarding Adults Boards a legal requirement

Plans announced to strengthen protection of vulnerable adults by introducing adult safeguarding legislation for all local authorities.

13 May, 2011

Carers save the country £119bn a year

Research published by Carers UK shows that carers are making a 'massive contribution' to society.

13 May, 2011

Dilnot commission to recommend overhaul of eligibility frameworks for social care

Review of the fair access to care services could end the 'postcode lottery' for care.