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Community care

1 December, 2011

Study shows how integrated care between health and social services can improve

New Audit Commission briefing shows significant differences in the types of care received by people aged 65 and over across the country.

29 November, 2011

A Better Life - what older people with high support needs value

Joseph Rowntree Foundation publishes report which explores the views of older people and proposes a model which demonstrates how their needs could be met.

29 November, 2011

Future Funding of Social Care

TUC publishes recording of online seminar with Andrew Dilnot, chair of the Dilnot Commission into social care and Alison Roche, Prof Peter Beresford and Barbara Keeley MP.

29 November, 2011

Scottish Home Care Service statistics

Scottish Government publishes statistics that show that the number of Home Care clients has declined over the last four years.

24 November, 2011

Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2011

New regulations that provide for changes to the Blue Badge scheme in Scotland to reflect the significant social changes that have taken place since its introduction in 1971 and to ensure the scheme is administered efficiently, consistently and fairly.

23 November, 2011

Home care often fails to meet older people’s basic rights

Equality and Human Rights Commission publishes inquiry into protection and promotion of human rights of older people in England who require or receive home-based care and support.

23 November, 2011

Adult social care outcomes framework: handbook of definitions

Department of Health updates handbook which sets out details of social care measures, with examples to promote consistency in reporting and interpretation.

22 November, 2011

Developing personalised services: a call for evidence

Think Local Act Personal seeks to gather examples of innovative practice in delivering fully personalised care and support.

22 November, 2011

New guidance to help social workers manage professional boundaries

General Social Care Council launches guidance to increase public protection by supporting social workers to practise ethically and safely by encouraging reflection on professional boundaries issues.

18 November, 2011

Government welcomes provisional advice from NHS Future Forum

Advice stresses that information about health and social care services must be published in a transparent and usable form and patients must have better access to health care records.

15 November, 2011

Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2011

New regulations amend Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 by requiring that the design and manufacture of badges must comply with substantially more sophisticated technical requirements, designed to mitigate risk of forgery.

14 November, 2011

14 November, 2011

11 November, 2011

11 November, 2011

High court rules local authority’s care cuts are unlawful

Isle of Wight Council's plans would have meant that only vulnerable adults assessed as critical or at risk of becoming critical would qualify for assistance.

11 November, 2011

Government confirms plan to publish social care white paper in the Spring

Social care has languished in the 'too-difficult-to-do' box for far too long, says Minister in Westminster hall debate.

10 November, 2011

9 November, 2011

3 November, 2011

Abuse of vulnerable adults in care and domestic homes

New report published by NHS shows that 42 per cent of alleged abuse takes place in vulnerable adult's own home.