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Community care

13 June, 2012

Council spending on social services for older people varies by up to £3,000 in Wales

Figures obtained by a BBC Wales Freedom of Information request suggest there are big differences in funding per head of social services for people aged over 65, reports bbc.co.uk.

11 June, 2012

Carers to be given rights to respite holidays

Care Services Minister tells Telegraph that new government plans will mean that councils will be required to arrange support for carers, such as short respite holidays, assistance with transport or training in care techniques.

11 June, 2012

11 June, 2012

Elderly and vulnerable people put at risk by cuts to home-based care

New British Red Cross study shows that a lack of support for people in their own homes is having a negative impact including, increasing isolation among older people and more falls and accidents.

8 June, 2012

Care providers ‘favouring richer pensioners’

New survey shows that a two-tier system in social care is being created, with wealthy pensioners able to buy places in residential care, and the poorest seeing funding cut for council-funded beds, reports guardian.co.uk.

6 June, 2012

Mental Health (Regional Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2012

New regulations set out details of regional provision for the purposes of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010.

30 May, 2012

Redesigning the front end of social care

Recommendations in paper published by In Control include, replacing current community care assessment processes with an assessment which more robustly assesses risk and triggers access to support planning at an early stage.

30 May, 2012

Department of Health publishes third edition of Long Term Conditions Compendium

Compendium is aimed at commissioners and health and social care professionals, to provide evidence for improving care and outcomes for people with long term conditions.

30 May, 2012

Care Quality Commission calls for information about experiences of home care services

Results will be used to help assess individual agencies and will form part of national report around quality and safety of home care services.

29 May, 2012

Reforming social care: options for funding

New Nuffield Trust report examines current level of funding of social care and the Dilnot Commission’s recommendations, and suggests ways of funding a fairer, more sustainable system of social care.

28 May, 2012

More than 70 per cent of homeless people are discharged from hospital back onto the streets

New Homeless Link and St Mungo’s report shows that NHS staff can improve health outcomes for homeless people by ensuring all patients have somewhere to stay when they are discharged from hospital.

24 May, 2012

No decision about me, without me: Further consultation on proposals to secure shared decision-making

Department of Health publishes consultation document that sets out proposals to provide more choice to enable patients and their representatives to share in decisions about their care in areas such as mental health services, maternity care, long-term conditions and community services.

24 May, 2012

Change to requirements for a second opinion for patients on supervised community treatment

Rules about when the treatment of patients on supervised community treatment has to be approved by a second opinion appointed doctor changes on 1 June so that approval is generally no longer necessary if the patient is able to consent to treatment in question.

22 May, 2012

Health and Social Care Act 2012 (Commencement No.1 and Transitory Provision) Order 2012

First Health and Social Care Act commencement order brings into force provisions including in relation to the treatment of patients on supervised community treatment.

21 May, 2012

Department of Health publishes information strategy to give people more control over their care

'The power of information' strategy sets a ten-year framework for transforming information for the NHS, public health and social care.

18 May, 2012

Disabled people continue to be put at a disadvantage in the workplace

New Equality and Human Rights Commission report also shows that closing the employment gap between disabled workers and non disabled workers can increase performance of staff.

18 May, 2012

Making it Real: Marking Progress with Personalisation and Community-based Support

Think Local Act Personal campaign encourages organisations that pay for, or provide, social care services to 'get real' about improving people's lives by publicly declaring their commitment to changing the way older and disabled adults experience care and support.

16 May, 2012

Number of people who have home care paid by local authority falls by 11 per cent

New figures show that 7,000 fewer older people had their care services fully paid for by a local authority in 2011 compared to 2009, reports guardian.co.uk.