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Community care

21 January, 2014

Ombudsman finds against local authority that overcharged 58 elderly tenants for their water rates

Local Government Ombudsman urges councils to consider importance of complying with the Water Resale Order by clearly explaining to tenants how it calculates their water rates when it demands payment.

16 January, 2014

Local Government Ombudsman takes ‘rare step’ in relation to Council’s failure in community care case

Ombudsman issues further report after Shropshire Council fails to agree to recommendation to pay £61,270 in respect of care provided by carer to his wife who had severe mental health problems requiring 24-hour care and supervision.

15 January, 2014

Local Government Ombudsman improving but still has a way to go, say MPs

New Communities and Local Government Committee report commends Ombudsman for 'concerted effort to improve and become more accountable, efficient and transparent' but also recommends improvements including external review of new processes and case-handling targets.

15 January, 2014

Care Bill ‘could spell financial disaster for care providers’

Guardian social care network article, by director of the International Longevity Centre UK care funding advice network, says that provisions could take £1bn from care companies leading to poorer services.

15 January, 2014

King’s Fund considers who should pay for social care

New blog sets out issues being considered by independent Barker Commission to explore whether post-war settlement, with separate systems for health and social care, remains fit for purpose.

10 January, 2014

Bereaved workers failed by employers, says new report

New report from Dying Matters, the National Council for Palliative Care and the National Bereavement Alliance also highlights concerns re impact of bedroom tax on those who have been bereaved.

10 January, 2014

Government commits to more social care support for children with learning disabilities

Amendment to the Children and Families Bill a 'hugely positive step' for disabled children and young people and their families, say campaigners

9 January, 2014

Solicitor says legal ruling makes it necessary to reform social care commissioning practices

James Sage also warns that the Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in Whittlestone v BJP Home Support Limited is 'a stark reminder to care providers of the duty to pay staff the national minimum wage, taking into account travel time and when someone works over night on a sleepover shift'.

7 January, 2014

From April 2015 young people in Scotland to have right to remain in care until aged 21

Scottish Minister for Young People Aileen Campbell announces new provision to be introduced through the Children and Young People Bill.

3 January, 2014

Adult social care directors urged to examine use of zero-hour contracts and minimum wage compliance

'Top tips' aimed at improving the commissioning of home care services published by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

19 December, 2013

Council responsible for elderly woman remaining in care home where she suffered neglect

Local Government Ombudsman finds that London Borough of Ealing failed to respond to family's concerns about the care home's treatment of the woman who suffered from dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

18 December, 2013

Adults receiving social care support fell by 25 per cent from 2007/8 to 2012/13

New figures from Health and Social Care Information Centre also show that number of new enquiries made to social service departments was up one per cent over the same period.

17 December, 2013

Over 450,000 frail older and disabled people excluded from state-funded care

New study commissioned by the Care and Support Alliance finds that social workers have been ordered to unofficially apply tougher eligibility tests to those who would until recently have received social care.

16 December, 2013

Social care reforms ‘will be underfunded’, says Age UK

Briefing, ahead of today's Care Bill second reading in House of Commons, sets out 'ten myths about changes in social care'.

9 December, 2013

6 December, 2013

Homeless women lack access to social workers

The Bristol TARA project has published the findings of a study of the service use of homeless women, often with multiple and complex needs, which found that housing support workers were fulfilling functions that in the past social workers would have carried out.

4 December, 2013

Young people will be allowed to remain in foster care until 21st birthday

Children and Families Minister has announced that a new legal duty will be imposed on local authorities to provide financial support for every young person who wants to stay with their foster parents after they turn 18.

2 December, 2013

Independent review recommends reform of Local Goverment Ombudsman

Government says it shares reviewer's conclusion that single public services ombudsman for England should be created and that it intends to 'develop and test ideas for how such a 1-stop-shop service might operate'.

2 December, 2013

‘Towards whole person care’

New IPPR report sets out broad themes on 'creating a health and care system that is fit for the future'.