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Community care

3 September, 2014

‘A vision for care fit for the twenty-first century…’

New report from Demos Commission on Residential Care recommends a number of measures including enshrining a broader, more accurate definition of ‘housing with care’ throughout government policy; greater co-location of care settings with other community services such as colleges; the expansion of CQC’s role in inspecting commissioning practices; and promoting excellence in the profession through the introduction of a license to practice and a living wage.

2 September, 2014

Disability Rights UK publishes new materials on making local communities inclusive

Materials, including guidance for disabled people's organisations and local authorities, designed to help meet obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act.

1 September, 2014

Survey reveals lack of public confidence in care system

Results of survey by Care and Support Alliance - which represents 75 major charities - include that six in 10 people are not confident they will receive sufficient care, with proportion rising to seven in 10 for those aged over 60.

29 August, 2014

Couple awarded £10,000 compensation for delay of over two years in giving them a personal budget

Local Government Ombudsman also finds that the couple did not receive adequate housing advice and their housing application was not prioritised in accordance with the council's housing policy, and in addition the council continued to charge council tax on the couple's former home even though an exemption should have been applied.

26 August, 2014

14 August, 2014

870,000 older people ‘do not receive crucial care help’, says Age UK

New research shows that that nearly a third of people who have difficulty in carrying out some essential activities of daily life do not receive any help formally from care workers or informally from family, friends or neighbours.

12 August, 2014

Scottish Government allocates £518,000 to alleviate food poverty

Money to support 26 projects across Scotland providing services that include increasing food provision, promoting healthy eating, benefits and other advice and linking food providers across a local area.

8 August, 2014

Most local authorities will not ringfence Independent Living Fund resources

Disability Rights UK reports that freedom of information inquiries it made to local authorities highlghts that most do not have robust plans to ring-fence resources for social care support to people who would have received ILF support.

7 August, 2014

Additional £5 million health and social care funding announced in Scotland

Funding, which will be targeted at seven health boards, will aid further development of intermediate care, helping people to stay in their own home instead of going into hospital in the first place, and services that support people to regain their independence so they can return home sooner after a hospital stay.

7 August, 2014

7 August, 2014

Labour would integrate social care and health to fund NHS shortfall

Joining up services would help prevent cost to NHS of delayed discharge from hospital due to a lack of home adaptation, according to Shadow Care Minister Liz Kendall

7 August, 2014

Nine out of ten councils warn that lack of government funding could jeopardise Care Act

Local Government Association reports that a major concern for councils is uncertainty over the number of people who are paying for their own care who could now request an assessment under the new system to limit the care costs they have to meet.

5 August, 2014

Housing (Scotland) Act 2014

New legislation that makes provision about housing in Scotland, including in relation to the abolition of the right to buy, social housing, the law affecting private housing, the regulation of letting agents and the licensing of sites for mobile homes.

4 August, 2014

Wales introduces ‘modernised and streamlined’ system for social services complaints

New two stage system in force from 1 August 2014 involves simplified process and changes to guidance for local authorities to make it easier to understand.

4 August, 2014

Government announces £175m to meet cost of Care Act assessment burden

Communitycare.org.uk reports that money will fund assessments of self-funders in 2015-16 ahead of introduction of 'cap' on care costs in April 2016.

31 July, 2014

Consultation on allocation of funding for implementation of the Care Act 2014

Views sought from local authorities and also care providers, people with care and support needs, and their carers.

30 July, 2014

23 July, 2014

Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014

New statutory instrument introduces new procedure for complaints to local authorities about the exercise of their social services functions in Wales including the removal of the previous independent panel stage and the introduction of a two stage process involving local resolution and, if this is not achieved, the requirement for an investigation and response.

23 July, 2014

Care Planning and Care Leavers (Amendment) Regulations 2014

New regulations that provide that a child’s care plan must record whether the child is a victim, or there is reason to believe they may be a victim, of trafficking in human beings or is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child. and also that the assessment of that child’s needs and the local authority review of the child’s case must take into account that status.