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PIP assessment delays

BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Happy New Year.

In the areas where I work, it is typically taking anything between 2-6 months for an assessment having returned a PIP2 or AR1. However, I have one case where the AR1 was returned in July 2021, almost 18 months ago, and still no sign of an assessment. Is this just a freak, or are there other people out there waiting this length of time to be assessed? It would be useful to know for pursuing the complaint, thanks.

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BC Welfare Rights - 03 January 2023 06:24 PM

Happy New Year.

In the areas where I work, it is typically taking anything between 2-6 months for an assessment having returned a PIP2 or AR1. However, I have one case where the AR1 was returned in July 2021, almost 18 months ago, and still no sign of an assessment. Is this just a freak, or are there other people out there waiting this length of time to be assessed? It would be useful to know for pursuing the complaint, thanks.

Snap!  I spoke to DWP just before Christmas and expressed that the client had included a new condition and new needs in her PIP AR1 in August 2021.  I was advised that her case will probably be in the next cohort of cases being looked at, and that, if there’s an increase due, it will be awarded from that time.
Some award review cases where clt is already on Enh of both components (and where fresh evidence was available) seem to have been quickly decided.



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BC Welfare Rights - 03 January 2023 06:24 PM

Happy New Year.

In the areas where I work, it is typically taking anything between 2-6 months for an assessment having returned a PIP2 or AR1. However, I have one case where the AR1 was returned in July 2021, almost 18 months ago, and still no sign of an assessment. Is this just a freak, or are there other people out there waiting this length of time to be assessed? It would be useful to know for pursuing the complaint, thanks.

I’m not doing casework so I can’t compare but that does seem particularly long.

If you have trouble progressing the complaint let me know and I could pass details up via the stakeholder forum

Edit - just seen your post Elaine - I’ll send an email up asking if that is typical


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I heard back from DWP who say that the delay is why they are extending review awards for 12 months - see https://www.rightsnet.org.uk/welfare-rights/news/item/commencement-of-automatic-12-month-extension-of-pip-awards-awaiting-review-delayed-until-early-to-mid-december

BC - has your claimant been receiving regular texts to keep them up to date with what is happening - if not let me know details and I can pass them on

Elaine - if the change in her condition is significant DM/email me her details and they will look into it

[ Edited: 4 Jan 2023 at 01:25 pm by Daphne ]
BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Thanks Daphne. He has received a couple of vague texts stating that he only needs to contact them if his circumstances change, they don’t mention the existing award. His existing award has been extended three times but I think that he was only notified of this the last time, the other times he had to ring to find out himself. In Aug 22 he says it took 67 minutes to get through on the helpline to confirm his award had been extended.

As per EJ, claimant has had significant deterioration in his health since his last award which was reported on AR1and he feels that he should be receiving a higher award than at present. Hence some of his agitation as he feels that he has already contacted them to say that his circumstances have changed, so why are they texting him more than a year later telling him to do so?


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DWP have said that if there is a significant change of circumstances they will prioritise the case. Maybe worth highlighting that there has been a change and asking them to deal with sooner - if they won’t progress is, I’d be happy to send details up to ask them to look into it.

BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Thanks Daphne. I have submitted a complaint and the MP has taken it up so will see if we get any response. I am leaving this job in a couple of weeks, so if it is not resolved by then I will pass details on to you for passing up.


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Ooh - staying in the field of welfare rights - or doing something completely different??

BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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I’m staying in welfare rights but will be working with a different flavour of disease. Leaving the voluntary sector sadly; a decade of virtually stagnant pay whilst the world seems to have doubled in price has finally pushed me out after 20+ years. Brave new world of working for the council, hopefully will be back on rightsnet at some point.

BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Daphne - 09 January 2023 08:58 AM

DWP have said that if there is a significant change of circumstances they will prioritise the case. Maybe worth highlighting that there has been a change and asking them to deal with sooner - if they won’t progress is, I’d be happy to send details up to ask them to look into it.

I have received confirmation via the MPs office that this case has now been passed by DWP to IAS for an assessment. DWP has confirmed that it has not released the file previously, despite being aware that the claimants’ needs had increased and it has not given any indication that it is considering backdating any potentially increased award.

The text of the letter, for interest is below:

Due to the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our ability to
process claims for PIP, and the ability of our Assessment Providers to arrange
for health professionals to carry out assessments, and the resulting increased
number of claims for PIP. We had to take the decision to temporarily pause
planned award reviews and concentrate our efforts on processing claims from
people who are not currently in receipt of the benefit.
We introduced several changes to PIP award review process since we started
to review cases again. The changes include:
 We are checking to see if we can make decisions on cases without the
need for a health professionals report, but those cases where further
evidence or advice is needed, we are sending those cases to the
Assessment Provider in a controlled manner.
 Implementation of automatic extensions, to ensure that the awards of
people who are waiting for their claim to be reviewed, will not go out of
payment. We will continue to extend their awards, until we can decide on
their ongoing entitlement.
I have looked at X’s case and confirm his planned award review
started on 22 June 2021, when we issued his Award Review 1 (AR1) form and
Mr X returned to us on 10 August 2021.
A case manager (CM) on 8 October 2021, reviewed Mr X’s AR1 form
and all the available evidence. Mr X reports a deterioration of both his
physical and mental health needs; therefore, the CM decided an assessment
report is required to ensure we make a robust decision.
We confirm Mr X’s case was sent over to the AP ‘IAS’ on 7 January
2023, and IAS will contact Mr X direct regarding his assessment.
Mr X will continue to receive his PIP payments as normal while we
process his award review and we have extended his PIP to 20 November 2023.
We are also sending SMS messages every 12 weeks to reassure claimants that
they will continue to receive their PIP payments. So that they do not need to
contact our PIP enquiry line to check what is happening with their case.
Although it is taking longer than we would like for some decisions to be
completed, there have been no errors made on Mr X’s case which have
caused an avoidable delay.
I hope I have explained the position in Mr X’s case
If your constituent is not satisfied with the way we have dealt with their
complaint, they can ask the Independent Case Examiner (ICE) to consider it
further within six months of the date of this letter. The ICE can look at
complaints about our service but not matters of law or government policy. This
is a free and impartial service for any complaints that we are unable to resolve.
If your constituent decides to approach the ICE, they will need to provide a copy
of this letter.
Not sure what to make of “We had to take the decision to temporarily pause
planned award reviews and concentrate our efforts on processing claims from
people who are not currently in receipt of the benefit.” Clearly, a large number of reviews have not been ‘paused’ but have gone ahead as normal.


[ Edited: 17 Jan 2023 at 01:47 pm by BC Welfare Rights ]