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Accessing jobcentres during and post COVID


rightsnet writer / editor

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Total Posts: 3576

Joined: 14 March 2014

DWP have asked for feedback on the two points below - either post here or message me direct - particularly if you have examples on the first one as when I raised this with them they were adamant that if people knocked on the door of the jobcentre they should be seen.

1.    Some of you have raised issues whereby during COVID-19 some customers have been refused entry and turned away from Job Centres. Grateful therefore if you could provide known instances of where this has happened, including the Job Centre location if possible. This will enable us to liaise with sites that are maybe not compliant and any issues are resolved as soon as possible.

2.    We are beginning to consider our post COVID-19 ways of working for face to face Job Centre appointments and are keen to understand from all organisations who normally would have delivered services face to face as to what measures they have or are putting in place to keep customers / staff safe in the new world.  We are also keen to share what we are doing as it develops and by sharing what each other are doing we could all pick up some really useful ways of working we may not otherwise have thought of.