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Regional differences and outcomes

Keith S Adviser
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Kirkham CAB

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It would appear that there is some concern about the differences in success rates for both appeals and telephone assessments,  especially where it is felt that the client may have had a more successful outcome under the old system. From client feedback, it appears postponements have increased, on a variety of grounds, some assessments are rushed and one case where it would appear, tribunal ‘did not understand client’.

Any thoughts, views, feedback welcome.

Paul Stockton
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Epping Forest CAB

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Probably not enough cases for a generalisation, but I’ve had five appeals decided since lockdown started, all successful. Two were conceded by the DWP (one on grounds of “compassion” which is a new one on me!), one following a telephone hearing and two following paper “hearings” which were initiated by the tribunal (ie the tribunal decided entirely in the client’s favour without asking the client if they agreed to a paper hearing). judges were from various centres in the South of England.

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton CAB

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It seems to be working well here in Sefton (Liverpool Tribunal venue). We started doing phone hearings (where appropriate) on 25/03/2020. There were some technical problems early on and we had nothing listed between 09/04 and 05/05. Otherwise our records for phone hearings from the start of the lock down to yesterday show 27 appeals won, 2 lost, 3 adjourned and 1 transferred to another venue. All clients were represented in person.

Keith S Adviser
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Kirkham CAB

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Excellent, many thanks

Jon (CANY)
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Welfare benefits - Craven CAB, North Yorkshire

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I may start a new thread for this, but can I ask: have people encountered delays in getting successful decisions implemented?

Our client has won a UT appeal (DWP conceded the point), ESA have advised us that no appeals work of any sort is now being done, so there is [no] timescale to tell us when the decision might be looked at and implemented. Meanwhile, client has nil income.

edit: a word

[ Edited: 1 Jun 2020 at 12:15 pm by Jon (CANY) ]
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Welfare rights officer - Enable Scotland

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i havent had a single case listed. had 3 scheduled the week of lockdown and all postponed with nothing since.

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Welfare benefits supervisor - Roehampton CAB

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We have had 3 cases listed

First case, we did not get invited to the call - it also seems client did not ask them why we were not on the call, appeal refused. We have both complained and asked for a set aside.

Second case, we have only found out listed as we chased the client, no contact at all from HMCTS by email or letter - though they are aware we are the REPS as they sent us two emails, when registered the appeal and when DWP issued their response - we have complained to ask why not contacted

Third case, listed for next Monday

All of the above are with Sutton