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DLA and kidney transplants

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Welfare officer - St Christopher's Hospice, SE London

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Joined: 16 June 2010

Does anyone know about how kidney transplants are dealt with with dla.  My client says she is at the top of the list and she has been advised it may be soon.  She is getting dla mid care under the dialysis rules at present.  The dmg appears to say that the dla should stop the day that her dialysis does.  Is any account taken of the operation recovery period where of course she will need attention to bodily functions but presumably fading after the first few weeks/months? My client is also mindful of the high chance of rejection.  Will she have to inform them of the operation date and expect the dla to stop there and then?

Also connected to above but not connected to the dla issue are free prescriptions. There does not appear to be provsion for free prescriptions once she is no longer dialysing or have I missed something.?

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Newcastle Welfare Rights Service, Newcastle City Council

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Joined: 21 June 2010

This is something which has been raised from time to time by our renal social work colleagues. They have been understandably concerned and angry that a lack of knowledge about the transplant process gives rise to this assumption that full health is restored from the day of the transplant. We encouraged them to send someone along to the regional liaison meetings we have (or had, not sure if they are continuing) with Disability Benefits but they backed out. I went along to talk to the renal team to explain DLA and so on and the result seems to be that they deal with it on a case by case basis but the clinical staff are not only very willing to provide supporting letters but also understand how they need to get the relevant information across.

It happened with heart transplants too..