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PIP and state pension age

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Blackpool Centre For Unemployed

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Joined: 9 July 2020


Hoping someone can give me a bit of advice as I’ve not dealt with the issue before.

Its all regarding PIP and being over state pension age - I have client who is just over SPA and we asked to do a review of her PIP as her needs had gotten worse. Client was awarded DL but not mobility due to being over SPA - is that correct?

My understanding is that PIP continues over SPA if you have a claim in previously (shes had it for many years). In the past, we advised some clients to claim AA but when we do that the DWP close the AA claim and award a higher rate of PIP for them - hence my confusion

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Information and advice resources - Age UK

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Hi Adam,

You can find information about this in our PIP/DLA factsheet (section 8.1)

You cannot normally establish entitlement to the mobility component for the first time after reaching State Pension age, although you continue to receive it if it was awarded before then. If awarded the standard rate of the mobility component before you reach State Pension age, you cannot move to the enhanced rate if your needs increase afterwards.

If awarded the enhanced rate of the mobility component before you reach State Pension age and your mobility needs reduce after State Pension age, you can move to the standard rate (and also back to the enhanced rate if your mobility needs increase again within one year).

If you are over State Pension age and receive the mobility component and you start to have daily living needs or your need for assistance with daily living increases, you can ask for a supersession and qualify for the standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component in the same way as if under State Pension age.